Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Pop vote back to 80/20 :eyes:

there is a chance that market flips hard on election day from morons not realizing there’s mail in votes to be counted yet but I’m sure not betting on PI to be an operational website at that time.

it’s also 78 in the margin market if you add up all the GOP NO’s. You are welcome if you hadn’t noticed that.

like maxing out GOP NO in the electoral college market is like 53 or something. Better price in the hey everyone in here can’t do math market.

Thanks. I got ~$850 of Rep NO in NY for .92
And I was able to fill 575 shares of my order for Rep No in OR at .91

If anyone is for some reason interested in betting Trump to win the election, or maybe just hedging a Biden loss a bit, Betfair has “Will next President lose popular vote” at 3.20 (+220), vs a straight up Trump win at 2.44 (+144). lol. Also I’ve started sinking money into the popular vote market. I should organise to get some money on other books for that.

A new massive trump wave just hit predictit.

Some totally crazy nonsense going on here. With no real poll updates NC and FL have flipped back and forth 2x today. :man_shrugging:

well, whatever state trump is doing a rally in seems to move 3 points, FL is down to +2 polls again which is about what 16 was. but today was such a move that either a few absolute whales have entered or another big team red internet channel pumped the site or both. My up arrow on PI got hammered the wrong way, like super hammered I was like wut?

PA is a state I’m leaning toward not betting on now since shit’s gonna hit the fan on election day there.

sucks for me I hovered over 2 states thinking about selling out and didn’t and got hammered hard for it.

Washington now down to 93, I guess 4chan claimed they could switch the votes but they can’t just being dumbasses or going to jail to own the libs or something.

There’s something going on to “move the CW” for sure. I’d expect the main page map to have trump 270 in the next day or two. Which means some crazy shit like NV red with no poll changes. I’ve had enough betting on this election lately so just going to :popcorn: it up.

I have a friend who is anti-Trump but one of those soft libertarian guys loosely plugged into the derposphere. If I tell you he thinks Antifa are very dangerous and idolises Elon Musk you’ll get the idea. Anyway he is convinced this Hunter story is BAD for Biden and it’s the reason the race has tightened a bit in the markets. He could well be correct about the latter bit.

biden camp isn’t even gonna bother denying the videos aren’t real at least and probably not a single thing regarding Hunter. Boy did I have the wrong presidency derailed because your kid is so fucking stupid bingo space.

PI has locked the presidency markets as they’ve maxed out on number of traders.

k, so all the trumpers are flooding state markets instead and my god why is california like 93 or hawaii or washington or whatever the shit. DC might be 93 at this rate LOL.

I do not have enough money for all this.

NC/FL have flipped R now. Some states down 10 from yesterday (sigh, why didn’t I sell PA whyyyyy)

You can still get 1.20 (-500) around the place for popular vote, I’m not taking anything else shorter than that as long as that bet exists. I guess USians will have trouble betting a lot of these places though, opposite of the politics betting problem I usually have where I can’t bet PredictIt.

BTW this Jon Ralston guy is like the greatest expert on the planet at crunching Nevada numbers, there’s a lot of early voting there so it’s possible to get actual locks by election day normally. Last election I sunk a bunch of money into DEM.NV and it was about the only thing I won on that election. Unfortunately with the weirdness of this election with lots of mail-in votes and so on, he’s going to be limited in what he can say. He’s sober and credible though so basically if he says “Dems have won” then they’ve won, but so far he’s just saying “no idea sorry”, which is fine.

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Yeah Ralston is the one dude I trust for pre election insights about how the vote in his state is going. Anyone else, zip it until something is a lock.

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all I had to do was buy hunter biden to get indicted, that was the trade of the election but noooo.

anyway, in lol me news, I have giant down arrows in it’s almost fucking impossible dems lose states.

NV has to be a polling error the opposite of 16/18 for trump to carry that state.

OMG, I didn’t realize there was a Hunter indictment market. Easy money, here I come!

The provincial run betting site in Canada that covers BC/Quebec/Manitoba still has Biden at 1.60 as of now. Can get “democrats” at 1.59 as well.

Can get popular vote at 1.18 right now too.

I decided to get greedy and hope for lower, I figure that is still at the beginning of it’s news cycle since I just tied everything I had lying around up in DC/CA 93.

Meager return but god this is so stupid I couldn’t help it.

God, I love these people.


I think Harry Enten said something to the effect that the early vote is hard to read unless it’s Ralston doing so for NV. (Not only because he’s credible bit because of the specific dynamics of the NV early vote.)