Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

This is a good life hedge.

Got $60 negative risk in the VP market, coulda been more but got stuck with $20 on someone who dropped out

Also maxed on Omar at 91c

if you are like me who lost in the VP market, roll over your omar winnings into PI rakeback because Kamala Harris to be VP is 98 cents. Still.

Apparently Omar dipped to 80 because her worst area posted results first. The one day I have to lose internet cost me bigly sigh.

Just found my favorite market,-2021

Yes still at 4c btw

Price seems fair to me.

Dem nom settled so dumped my $150 into pop vote no @ $.19 because why the fuck not. Dem veep not settled for some reason :expressionless:

Pop vote and who will take the House seem like the two best valuebets out there.

House margin has actually narrowed a bit in polling. It’s still pretty tough to see R’s actually getting there in the end of course.

yes I feel like pac man with all the nom nom nom money

Libertarian third place seems alright too. Kanye just won’t make enough ballots and well I don’t see a rush to vote for the Green party.

yeah house going GOP at ~10% seems right, they won in 2016 some how right? I will never, in a million years, understand how GOP pop vote is above 5%. Qanon doesn’t even explain it.

if you lived where I do you wouldn’t understand how dems are above 5%

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Dems win Minnesota @ .73
Reps to win Kentucky Senate @ .85

oh yeah Kentucky senate is good too (though sharps took it to 88-90 after the dem payouts). MN is rural enough I’ve avoided it for now.

Now I have over 1k in just CA/NY R NO because some people are total morons or bigger gamblers than me hoping it goes up a cent or two again. Wish it was some real $ I could brag about sigh.

the charge markets for R’s are free too but only Ghouliani is still above 95 and they’re too long on PI to bother with.

KY Senate is free money. But I’m not taking because fuck Moscow Mitch

the funny part on KY senate, last four polls +22, +17, +3, +5

The last one, the highest rated 538 pollster of that bunch. In other words Mitch by double digits.

yeah when/if dem veep finally pays out I’m gonna dump on MN blue because for fucks sake if its not blue in my own fucking state in 2020 the USD won’t matter anyways. :expressionless:

and yeah also 73% is a bargain of course.

538 has it in that range and without accounting for USPS shenanigans.

Yeah its more of a sanity hedge on my end for sure.

Bovada now has Democrat to win popular vote at -475.

Several very attractive state-level bets as well.

I’d like to start betting some of this. Is the rake on these site beatable?

I can bet exactly 475 to win 100?