Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

sigh, another story on comey/etc flies off on fox news and the markets have barely moved. The shutdown has ruined everything FREE AMERICA.

Hillary Clinton is 8% to be the dem nominee. edit–NINE now

Too bad I already maxed NO awhile ago, I’m bad at reading PI, I think “well as this gets closer she’ll go down in price and not that just means she’s MORE likely to run”

Now 12% to run, good lord. I guess they’re betting Biden screws this all up, well that sorta makes sense but I’m quite certain about nobody actually wants her to be running.

I’m going to be on the most tilt of my life if she’s the nominee. I only had to lay 2 to 1 on a thousand to bet against her in like October or November. Easily the most +EV bet of my life.

comey 81-83 NO on being charged by the end of june if you want to lose a lot of money with me

This Barr stuff has me legit worried they might actually indict some of these people. Still dropped $200 today on Comey, YOLO.

The balance of power 2020 market seems like a good deal. Does anyone really think the Rs have a 20% shot at winning the House?

If you want to go that route no on pop vote at 29% seems better.

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Just noticed that CA-25 has flipped on PI and now Mike Garcia is the betting favorite for the first time in the special election on Tuesday. As usual, the Republicans dominated the early mail vote returns and as election day nears, the gap has not closed.

Trump has recently been tweeting about this election. This was an R district for a quarter century until Katie Hill flipped it in 2018. Regardless of this result, Garcia and Democrat Christy Smith will run again in November for a full term.

Data here .

Are you on yes on all three? Or did you get in really low on no somehow?

I’m pretty sure that’s the qanon following user who made the comment showing off his max yes bets, but I don’t know how it works.

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Aw yeah, now there’s an indictment market for Obama:

That’s not mine, that’s a screenshot someone posted on the chat, apparently he’s maxed out YES on all three indictment markets. lolz.

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well I’m glad that’s barely worth it right now at 92. I have things tied up with other free money first. (this list is long right now if you count pennies (and I’m not counting the 3 or 4 POTUS running markets), since you can still get yang NO’s somewhere I think)

Libertarian nomination market is newly up as well, if you want to see how many crazy people you can bet on in the world. Vermin Supreme A+ for name though.

Comey no to face charges by 6/30 at $.15 seems like even freer money?

You have to be patient with these, wait for the next Qanon infobomb to pump it up to .15 or so.

Barr, in theory because there are no rules obviously, has to get a grand jury to vote to indict on obvious sham charges. I just don’t see it. (Paging Preet gimmick and narrator)

already .10

I’m never gonna learn to buy yes when I initially see stupid shit like this. I keep going well that’s not gonna happen and then don’t and then it almost always moves where you make more money selling yes later on than you ever do piling on no’s.

Still more annual % on the NO section with simple things like biden not to drop out by the end of the month (okay unless he literally dies) and everyone not biden to not win primaries or some of the other not getting charged markets atm anyway and everything involving hillary, which they really need more hillary markets on, I don’t care what they make up or how nonsense it sounds.

speaking of needing Qanon, there’s almost the entire squad to win their own primaries markets now

Could no longer help myself and threw some $ at no on Hilldawg at $.85 because yeahhhhh


Really? Even with the trope about being able to indict ham sandwiches and all.

hillary june market up at 97, I’ll have to wait till may pays out to rollover. sad!

Also biden to get enough delegates is 98, this should pay out in 2 weeks after GA at worst.

Also probably free money is biden outraising trump in may, if you read the rules it’s counting the big biden fund vs a lesser trump one so despite it overall being super close it should be a biden beatdown. (assuming PI sticks to the rules of the market).

feels kinda lame just rolling over a bunch of free money markets but 3-4% in a month rolled over and over and over and over…

Plus you might still get offers filled on 1% for jun 2/9 markets for some reason.