Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

The two most boring people in America. Seems about right.

Dem abroad still 90/88 seems relatively free since absolutely nowhere in Europe that Joe Biden will beat Bernie Sanders. I assume Joe will gain a little at the end but he’s getting wrecked in early results as you’d expect. Official results aren’t till the 23rd though.

538’s model has Biden 51/Sanders 49. Their model is shit on this one lmao.

Hillary Clinton has now passed Bernie Sanders in the dem nomination market.


In always read the fine print on PI news, bullock announces he’s running for senate, but NO is currently favored because he doesn’t have to file with the FEC yet and deadline is today. (after it was already N/A on shares at one point this morning).

I had bailed out of some of this when I realized there was insider trading but couldn’t get enough out and now maybe I win in the end?

and everyone in the comments is now trying to spam fake FEC filings

god I hate this site

This market has swung hard two or three times already. Basically your average Iowa market.

Lost but got out half of what I had left on the last pump so I didn’t get killed. I think the form got filed but I’m not gonna sell at like 2 in case of a PI LOL ruling.

Thoughts on Bernie in Washington at 32 cents? He was crushing there before the Super Tuesday swing, and I’m wondering if coronavirus keeps a lot of older people home and the younger voters are a bigger portion of the electorate. Flip side is it could keep people in Seattle home and rural voters could vote, and they may skew more toward Biden. 538 has bernie at 37%…

Seems like the pandemic creates a lot of variance in this one, which probably favors Bernie.

I don’t hate it. I think it’s probably about a correct line though. After PI take their cut, idk.

Hillary Clinton 10/11 on PI again. Why not.

What? I’m only seeing her at .06.

Running, not nominee market.

Biden committed to a female VP, I bought some of Kamala, Klobs, Abrams and Liz. They’re all surging now.

Guess I should’ve bet yes on all four of those instead of no on almost everyone (have yes abrams, she’s the least boring of that group) because that was obvious awhile ago.

Brag, had a little Joe Biden NO in NY 3 cent shares and bought some lots of places assuming covid was going to cancel some primaries.

Beat, sold them in the 40’s. Didn’t put in a $ number that would’ve let me start a PI career. When they announced they switched to all mail. :/

It’s 72 NO, people are assuming they’ll kick bernie off the ballot and cancel. They’re going all mail and there’s other stuff so that’s not necessary but I guess they’ll do whatever they do. either to piss bernie supporters off or have them complain idk. New York definitely shouldn’t have in person primary voting at this point though.

Also, there was an uptick in everyone’s favorite will they get charged markets. Brennan like McCabe before I’ve laid off as that guy has popped up every time on any news on their investigation like McCabe did and you can’t get 30 this time but others are ridiculous.

lol, Qanon guys took their corona bux and plowed it straight into the indictments markets, I love that website so much. And Joe Biden is only at .85 to get the Dem nomination if anyone wants some absolutely free money.

well biden could croak but sure 15% odds on that are pure nonsense. It’s too big a market for the sharp line as everyone with any sort of roll on the site likely has that one maxed, the state ones on that same prop are all over 90.

Looks like the money moved back on everyone not brennan, sad. It had moved pretty far in the morning. Still dumb, maybe wait at this point hoping INDICTMENTS SOON on fox news headlines I guess.

Maxing out all the available non biden NO’s on the dem nom prop is 88 too.

wow Klob and Kamala neck in neck for VP

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I offloaded my Biden nominee on Betfair at a similar price a month or so ago, 85c is too low at this point but Biden is very far from a lock to be nominee. He doesn’t have to die, he can mentally degenerate to the point where they decide that it’s just not feasible to run him. He could also have a stroke or something, or be diagnosed with something which precludes him running. The Dems have absolute control over the nomination process and can just change the rules anytime they want, so the whole “first ballot at the convention” thing doesn’t matter. Still three months until it gets locked in. It’ll be a profitable bet but by no means a lock.

What are people playing right now besides indictment markets?

Veepstakes. I got $10 on Stacy Abrams, let’s gooooooo

woke up to a wtf and snap grabbed the crumbs left on 90 NO on trump to be convicted by the senate on impeachment but now I’ve realized how long it’ll take–barely worth it :( Also I wish I was smart enough to realize some day on things like this to just buy yes shares, that’s where the real money is made, buy yes on seemingly free money the other way even when it is because at some point some day it’ll go up at least 20%.

Biden below .80, seems like free money.