Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

You should listen to what Larry Wilmore had to say from one of the last two Lovett or Leave it episodes. His take essentially was that black people don’t give a fuck about the stop and frisk stuff if they think the guy can beat Trump.

Thoughts on Steyer top 3 in NV? Just sold out of my Biden for NV for small gain.

Only holding 500 Warren VP @ 7c for the potential convention ratfuck lotto ticket

Can one of you explain to me the reasoning in the gap of pricing between current shate value and what it currently can be sold or bought for? For example, I’ll see a YES share listed at $0.10 but is costs $0.20 to buy. Or I’ll buy a YES share at $0.30 and immediately only be able to sell it at $0.20. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but it’s something I’ve noticed several times now and I’d like to fully understand the markets before I put money in them.

I think it has to do with the market not being that liquid and pretty small. Usually the price for each is determined by supply and demand. If news comes out in favor of a candidate the demand for buying YES or whatever will be higher which will cause it to rise quickly since more orders are trying to be placed. The other side of that will get closer in price with a smaller spread when there’s more trading in that market

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Not quite sure what you are asking, the latest YES price is just what the last purchase price was. In your example, the latest YES share might have been at 10c but someone bought all of those and now the cheapest being sold is 20c. Or, the spread was 10c (bid/offer) x 20c (ask price) and someone sold a bunch to the 10c bid, so your best bet would be to put in a 11c bid and hope to get filled. That example is extreme but can happen on low-volume/liquidity markets.

Probably the same thing for your other example, if you buy a YES share at 30c and can only then turn around and sell it at 20c, there was probably a 20c x 30x spread, so the highest bid/offer was only 20c whereas you “market bought” at the ask of 30c

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Has anyone figured out how to automate a script that uses that arbitrage for risk-free return? Asking for a friend.

Sold at .49, seems a bit too high now.

Dumped my Warren 2nd at .16 yesterday. Weird surge after that one poll yesterday.

Seems like a fellow could clean up by hitting F5 a bunch and riding these waves of insider trading that happen before every poll becomes public.^tfw|twcamp^embeddedtimeline|twcon^timelinechrome&

There’s tons of insider trading going on but I think that one was just that they announced yesterday that the poll was coming out today. And everyone knew Bloomberg would be >10% in it.

The Trump popular vote looks maxed out, imo - at least until before the election where anything can happen. I don’t see a realistic scenario where Trump would correctly be 50% or greater to win versus any democrat but who knows.

Any of you get in on the IA market a couple hours ago? That market will likely be a bit crazy again for a little while.

I think the trump pop vote market is directly proportional to the Bloomberg nom market.

@grue @d10

I am trying to find our primary bet. I know i had +110 on warren or bernie to be the nominee and one of you guys was 200 and the other 100. You guys want to tell me which was which so i can stop digging?

ETA-Looks like I found it. It is in August of the “Who will run in 2020?” thread that is locked. d10 was me risking $200 to win $220 and grue was me risking $100 to win $110. Will be easier to find here when I inevitably forget between now and the convention.

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Who we like for least speaking time tonight?

As much as I hate to say it, probably Warren. She’s not a media darling like Amy/Pete.

Biden would be my second guess at least speaking time.

Most could easily be Bloomberg.

I like Biden at the price. Not only does he not even use all his time sometimes but people shouldn’t be attacking him tonight so his rebuttal time will be less.

I’m on Bloomberg for most speaking time.

Is there a live tracker for speaking time anywhere or do i need to manually keep track if i want to live bet it?

I got 38 on no virus talk, wasn’t much $ though sadly since it’s probably over 50 now.

Got owned a bit ago when of all people bill de blasio endorsed bernie and that counted as a major endorsement on the deadline day (or second I was only in this one casually) of the market.

Will try a small $ on warren at just under 2/1 for least time. She talks a lot but she’s on the edge of completely dropping out so yeah.