Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Does NV have the same 15% rule?

Here are some other positions I took in the last 24 hours:

2020 Nominee Bloomberg NO 380 shares at .67
2020 South Carolina Primary Winner Sanders YES, 250 shares at .40
2020 Louisiana Primary Winner Sanders YES, 357 shares at .28

If I had more money on the site, I’d probably max out on Bloomberg NO, but at the same time you can spread the anti-Bloomberg investment over a number of states and diversify it a bit.

From before:
Still holding 322 shares of Pete to win Iowa that I bought at 74c, it’s at 76c now. Also 250 shares of Iowa margin of victory <1% I bought at 96c it’s at 95c.

Yes. Same process from what I can tell… First round, check for viability, viable candidate supporters are locked in, the rest are free to move around for re-alignment.

I swear to god, if Trump wins this will be my retirement plan.

Buying 250 shares on Bernie winning NV @ .75, lets do this.

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The problem is that if he wins, at some point they really do just start charging dissidents.

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Can still get Comey and Brennan in the 80s.

This seems like good value for Warren, probably better than the 0.02 to win

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Ya count me in on the Warren 2nd place bet. Going to try and get a large amount of 2nd place shares. If nothing else I am pretty certain there will be a chance to sell these for more at some point. Getting 16-1 or whatever is an absurdly wrong price.

Getting Bernie winning NV for anything less than .80 seems like a juicy bet unless I’m missing some weird caucus rule. He was crushing it in polls even before Biden imploded.

Meh, I think Bernie wins, but not sure I love the risk/reward of buying him the mid 70s. Low turnout caucus, almost no polling, brings quite a bit of uncertainty.

He’s a near lock to win the first alignment, but the second alignment has a lot of uncertainty.

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I think your big risk is that caucuses don’t favor him this time around because he likely isn’t getting 2nd place votes from as many places as whichever moderate is viable.

And the poll that came out today had him with a good lead, but probably not good for a caucus, because most others look like they might fall under 15% and then their supporters probably herd up on someone other than Bernie.

But again, this is a completely different demographic (should favor Bernie I think), so even more uncertainty.

Bernie is consistently under valued on Bovada, probably because their customer base is mouth breathing MAGA chuds. -350 to win Nevada.

Off predictit i have:

$1000 to win $1300 that Trump will not win the 2020 Electoral College
$250 to win $100 that Bloomberg will not be the Dem nominee

Not too sure how to feel about that.

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How much of this is real and how much is a bunch of trolls cosplaying?


Got a friend I know through my wife, smart guy who knows a lot about geopolitics and stuff so we would discuss current world events. He had always been a conspiracy theory guy (Kennedy, Bush did 911, Clintons, etc) but more like in a “don’t trust the government or the official story” kind of way.

I guess he fell into the Q stuff hard and would try to tell me how XYZ was about to happen, and obv nothing ever did. Tried to convince him it’s all bullshit and stop wasting all his time and energy on it and he ended our friendship and by extension his friendship with my wife.

It’s basically a religion for some of these people, imagine trying to convince a priest that God doesn’t exist.

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