Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

bernie now just 2 to 1 over pete or so for NH on PI. A few books are slow moving lines when they have like a $25 limit so if you search some good value out there but might not be worth it to you. Sadly bovada is keeping up relatively well, they’re usually clowns on that :frowning: So much that it’s the worst spread atm.

Dems are +140 on BOL. Books everywhere are often skewed a little R because that base will bet anything anyway but even PI has moved to trump favored -110.

so regarding pete in IN, I meant to say bet yes because it’ll go up after he does well in Iowa/NH then you can decide whether to sell it or not.

also Bloom just took FL on PI. He’s over 30 in several states, I’ve decided to get out and go individually over 40 for all of them.

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who does bloomberg pick as VP? Kamala? Klob? Tammy Duckworth?

Steyer. Just two billionaire bros having fun out there!

Don’t care if people know my name. Screw you, @grue lol


:two_hearts:lmao sorry

Were the books scewed R in 2016?

anyway, I have 2550 on Trump losing pop vote. I wouldn’t touch the general but that’s just my opinion.


I’m betting heavy against that too. It could be I’m just too optimistic.

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I smoked some people on PI on that ending at 10:30 instead of 11. When Stephanopoulos said “We’ll be back with the final question,” I realized what was happening and got the full $850 in on Bernie… Most at 59-60 cents and the last $170 or so at 67 cents. My heart was pounding when Joe rambled long on that closing statement lol, he needed to outpace Bernie by like 41 seconds on the closing statement and he talked for about 2 full minutes, but Bernie got to 1:30 or so.

Makes me feel better about getting crushed on the last debate.

Also makes me feel less bad about laddering up on the NO on each number of people to say Iowa thinking Pete was a mortal lock to say it to emphasize his win there… Thought I had another 40 minutes for that, but oh well - worked out well for me anyway.

had no on iowa 7+ pretty big, then a few unexpected people brought it up and pete actually didn’t. Didn’t expect to even mini sweat that.

I took a beating in the last debate, so only started today with like $860 in the account. Decided to keep it simple and was just in heavy on Yang least speaking time and Joe not to speak the most (got hit by that swing a bit, but learned something key in the process).

I put the remaining $70 or so on NO on 0 on Iowa, then as people said it I kept laddering to the next one thinking Pete just had to say it. I was up to like 140 shares at .87 on NO on 4, and got stuck. I did manage to sell them for 15 cents when Pete didn’t say it in his closing statement, which was a nice little rebate on my L - which I then rolled into some free money for 3% on some NO on most speaking time after it was already decided.

Now where do I park my newfound riches for some free money on there? If nobody asks Iowa to recanvass by tomorrow, it’s locked in right? How is Pete still only at 74 cents there?

they pushed that deadline to monday. Lots of bern supporters only know about the pro bern mistakes. Definitely not 100 though with these morons in charge.

Free free is 2% hillary for the end of the month.

Gotta be over 90% to stay with Pete, right? Also tough to say whether Bernie even challenges it. Either way they’re going to tie on overall delegates, it’s too late to matter for narrative in NH, so it comes down to riling up his base by being a fighter versus alienating moderates in the party by attacking the party. Seems like Bernie should lay off, anyway.

can’t imagine anyone wants anything other than move on from IA as fast as possible

Bernie back down to 88c on the debate most speaking time lol… ABC timed Biden with the most, NYT and CNN had Bernie with the most. NYT officially decides it, but I guess they could change it before tomorrow at 4pm.

man if you get cucked I’m gonna laugh at PI and then be sad, because I don’t want you to lose $

always sell when you can lesson #3242452352352 on this stupid site.

Mccabe no at 79. Comey at 81. Might not be worth it yet but hello idiots. (I still think they might charge mccabe, I’ve kinda avoided him)

I didn’t buy him at 88, he’s hovering in that 88-90 range. Glad I took my profits at 99c. I’m looking at Yang NO on qualifying for the 2/19 debate. Currently ~90c, seems close to free money.

well shit I hadn’t loaded that one yet.

Yeah too long to tie it up, and with this administration and DOJ I don’t think no is 100% either.

Yang? He’s basically drawing dead for the 2/19 debate, right? He’s not getting a delegate in NH, he’s not polling high enough in SC, NV or nationally… He needs them to change the rules for him at this point right?