Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Race is over? :thinking: But yeah don’t get that # for pop vote at all. What scenario does trump get that?

That market continues to be completely out to lunch.

Like Trump is priced at 50% to win the election, a price of 34c implies that he wins the popular vote two thirds of the time that he wins the electoral college, which is completely insane given that he lost by three million votes last time and won the electoral college convincingly.

Yeah, if the 34c were accurate, ( I don’t think so, ldo) then I’d imagine that Trump is 80> to win. I’ve talked to two Yes’ers in person and one likes a TSLA buy at 900 and the other thinks that weed stocks are the unsung secret of the future so I became hopeful.

Thoughts on Pete winning the Indiana primary at .21? I mean it is his home state.

Indiana is in the back, he has to still be running. fwiw, I picked up some on NO.

that’s the big reason why you don’t bet like Joe to win Delaware as it’s at the end too.

so that’s the pete odds in IN, whether he’s still running then. He’ll get a bump from IA and maybe NH but idk, he won’t win NV or SC and super tuesday is not favorable for him at all.

(edit Indiana is in may)

Makes sense, why I was asking.



Nice line and win, @grue. Barring some miracle on the second count, lemme know how you’d like me to pay you, or if you’d prefer to wait until our other bet (# of debates) settles before we exchange funds.

Haven’t won yet! And probably should settle before that one since that’s in like 6 months.

Jfc I can’t read lol

Ignore my dumbass posts and gimme your PayPal lol

You know what screw it, donate the $50 to Bernie? If you don’t want to do that, the ASPCA?


Ah you wanna flood me with spam for extra punishment lol.

You sure? Happy to donate to Bernie if that’s what you want. Reply to confirm and I’ll post a screen shot.

Yeah go for it. I’ll take your money when Trump bails on the debates :wink:



Bloomberg to win a state now 50/50

If I punted that much on fire I’m gonna be pissed off. half the pete money gone right there

Jesus his numbers in some states. 29/30 in GA. 31 in FL.

17c in Cali

I could see him winning Florida at this point for sure. Biden might be totally cooked by then and who else is going to win it? Too many olds for Sanders, surely. Buttigieg? Only if he’s leading the race at that point which doesn’t seem likely.

It’s absolutely how unreal a bunch of obvious trolls in the comments can move these markets.