Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Unfortunately I had to end up selling out of bloomberg to buy more hillary no’s wherever I could find them when those idiots pumped them up again.

Welp Warren for vp now @ 11c, only managed to get 256 of my order @5c filled fuck

Pay up PredictIt :roll_eyes:

If its what you say I love it

Welcome to Predictit. You’ll get paid in like a week or two.

Nah they settled about 1/2 hour after 2nd vote.

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you know what’s better than a nice cool glass of trump supporter tears?

When they paid for that glass too

man, we need more impeachments. I hit the whole thing–on impeachment, this year impeachment, votes on said impeachment. (didn’t bet on tulsi to vote no in the end, would’ve hammered it for the max if the prop was to vote yes instead of no) [bovada had a prop on this too for awhile, so I probably hit 1.5k profit overall–shame we’re stuck with these limits things].

No reason to keep the 0 @ 99% or even the 2 @95 when it’s not finishing till 3/31 (since theoretically he can get impeached again).

not much free money out there now with all the impeached money having flooded the space. Tulsi not being VP is free but too long for me to bother and a lot of stuff at 96 months from now is just meh. Take the 98/99 end of year shit if you’re going that route.

some of the Biden stuff I got too greedy and didn’t just hammer it before, I guess at this point I’m gonna get even more greedy and hope he loses Iowa and it all goes down to 60’s in some of these southern states he’s gonna win barring him getting 0 delegates in Iowa or something like that.


Hillary NO’s are finally starting to go down again. I guess something happened where R voters don’t have money anymore to keep those markets afloat.

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“Will Trump win the popular vote?” at .27 seems like the softest market right now. Will max out on NO when my McCabe winnings come in.

That one touched 68 a day or two ago, I foolishly maxed that one out at like 75 already. Always wait for something on fox news for stuff like that first is a rule I’ve made on this site now.

Trump POTUS is at 52 so I plunked $200 back in because well **** it that’s why. Might’ve been dumb, might well could bet him as the favorite soon.

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How onerous is the cashout procedure on PI? I’m thinking of making a deal with some American or other to bet under their name and sharing profits or something, but I won’t do it if it’s a huge PITA to cash out.

That Trump popular vote market is free money, obviously, that should be at like .01

I’d say we need to create an Unstuck Syndicate but I bet the betting limits fuck that up

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Yang least speaking time is literally free money every debate

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Cashouts have always been smooth for me. They report winnings to the IRS, FYI. No idea how things work in Australia.

As far as I’m aware you can’t open a PI account anywhere except the US, you need an SSN to cash out, so how things work in Australia don’t matter (although the answer is basically that gambling winnings aren’t taxable). It’s probably not worth the hassle to get someone to set an account up and pay their taxes and etc etc, it’s just annoying having free money going begging.

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I’m actually surprised the primary markets are actually pretty solid overall right now. Best value I could find was anti pete in the south where he is not winning but 95 is no good when you can get literally someone who isn’t running/has even less of a chance at 97. States are mostly within 5% of my board too :/ (there is one state where bernie is relatively higher than I think he is but he’s had some random weird shit before in primaries and his voters don’t leave (and also the likelihood of warren dropping out before that date as it’s a later state) so :/)

Hillary NO’s tanking everywhere, I’m just glad I beat that rush when she got to 90 in the dem nom.

Some of the sports books out there have impeachment votes for certain republicans that NO’s inexplicably aren’t -1000 yet. Unfortunately they are updating their other political markets more in line with predictit.

klob 11c to win iowa

god damnit I’m gonna sell her too soon because this makes no sense at all aren’t I

All the impeachment markets money flowing into the Hillary markets and correcting those hilarious lines a bit.

all the state ones and maybe even dem nomination at this point are now behind $$$ after predictit fees sadly. Still a little $ out there but she’s now 99 NO by end of the year. they gave up, SAD!

So it looks like “Smokey Joe” is back with a new gimmick account in the Hillary market.