Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Up to you, I spent 1/2 hour jerking off looking at 2p2 posts and couldn’t find it, tbh think its fifty fifty on impeachment in 2019, if you want to cancel awesome if not no problem I’ll of course honor bets but would def like to see where we booked it at the very least to dunk on myself. w/e.

New Hillary market out there if you want to win money betting on her to run by the end of the year. YES going at least to 10 next week is as guaranteed as a trump promise.

Old Hillary market back up to 16/17 YES.

edit–get in before it gets to 10 tonight

edit2–figured out the problem, I only get to bet one NO on the multiple choice ones. Also got spooked out of NO on 5+ impeachment articles today, they’re talking about everything and the kitchen sink. I thought till today there was no chance of 5 but I can’t trust them so I took my small profit and got scared away. I can get NO on 0 now if I want. I still think NO on 5 is extremely likely (I still might well bet against this if 5 or more are introduced) but this site allows for some nittier variance so I’m gonna take it.

congrats all YES impeachment bettors (though end of year is still kinda dicey, I still believe on the side of house getting there right before xmas)

as a brag, I sold all those 5 article NO’s at 89/90 yesterday (it looks like it’s gonna hit as they’ve stated they’re gonna keep to ukraine and put it all into NO 0 impeachment articles at 83-85 so this is the start of a good day. (I can’t do both as you recall)

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Hillary is at .20, wtf is going on.

wtf. free-est money ever?

Hillary end of year market hasn’t moved off 93/94. These morons can’t even scroll down and get a better price.

She’s missed what 3 filing deadlines now including arkansas she probably would do well in I’d reckon and there’s a bunch more in a week and a half. That won’t matter, they’ll inevitably end up on brokered convention logic.

Michelle Obama up to 91 NO again.

This site is great, god bless america.


it’s like a trump tweet–when nonsense like that happens it’s usually because it was just on Fox News (according to the comments, seems to be the case again here)

I’ve never ridden out a contract to close before… Let’s say they pass Articles of Impeachment on 12/20, meaning that YES wins. How long does it take PredictIt to settle those out?

In other words, how long before I can get back into the Hillary stuff? lol

They would close it the next day at some point otherwise it’s the time/date on “read the full rules”

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God damnit I didn’t sell it all immediately upon hearing the news. Why do I forget to do this all the time?

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Dunno, but I just bought 200 more shares and feel like I should have bought 2000.


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I’m jealous you get a better price now than when I shoved allin.

I would have backed the truck up if I wasn’t already all-in.

Thinking about buy some Michelle Obama NO shares, but I already have an irresponsible amount of money on this site.

I’m still trying to figure out how to back this truck up but I don’t have friends.

It depends a little on the market. Sometimes it is very quick (hours). Sometimes when they make shitty rules and markets it drags on forever while they try to make sure there aren’t any loopholes. One of the government shutdown markets went many months after the deadline to be resolved. I don’t remember exactly how long it went in but it was a shit show. It seemed obvious how it should be resolved but they were trying to get multiple different government agencies/departments to respond to exactly how many employees were furloughed. You can imagine how quickly they got back with that info.

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I’m in. Maxed at .81.

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predictit just had one going on now that was a giant clusterfuck, whether netanyahu will get indicted or not, I ended up buying like 50 worth of NO at 33 and just getting the hell out of it at 41 a few days ago because nobody knew predictit was going to rule. So of course they put in today that it’s a NO and my thought process of what they would end up doing was right :( One of my big leaks in betting and rest of life is simply not just trusting myself enough on situations like this.

The thing you need to realize about the Hillary market is there is a lot of funny/fishy play going on in there. I’m not quite sure the specifics, but I am quite sure something not kosher is going on.

How in the world is 0 NO articles to impeach by 3/31 at 86 right now?

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Bernie up to 20c :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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