Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

I keep riding the slide down to 80 (Sell at peaks) and then back up to 87-88. Done it like 3 times now lol. It’s a really predictable market.

oh my god the comments are amazing right now

I would get in now at 82-83c (maybe it goes lower, who knows) and hold until early next month, when california deadline ticks off. Then sell and wait for one of these weird yes swongs ( i think smokey is doing some kind of pump and dump scheme). Once that goes by we’ll really be in crazy town for people still holding on to yes. I think it stabilizes then at about 87-88c with some swings back to low 80’s and slowly trends up until march when she doesn’t run in super tuesday.

Watching in real time, the slow motion mental deterioration of these conspiratards as they desperately grasp at new theories as to why she’s running is too exquisite to even put into words. It’s amazing.

I’m holding on to maxed out shares rn at 79 and 80c so I’m probably in this for at least a few more weeks.

I’ve been stuck holding this whole time tilted about all of this. AL was one of her best states, at this point everyone running now is simply hoping for a contested cluster**** of a convention.

The line has moved back where it started the day, before she missed a filing deadline to be on the ballot as a presidential candidate.

These people are f’ing stupid.

In before she actually does last sec change her mind and runs just so we can all be miserable and hate life.

The change in tone from even the craziest hillary no guys is definitely noticeable to me. They’ll start dropping like flies soon. It takes real mental illness to be a true believer after the next few weeks.

I just realized I kinda disturbingly have a bunch of money on effectively the no bet of “will bernie kick the bucket in the next few months”

Was anyone loaded up on Bloomberg, was it possible to bet? I wouldn’t have hit that with a 10 foot pole. (Though he may not be officially in yet.) These consultants are worse than lawyers who “sell” clients on pursuing a bad case.

Is it possible to short “Bloomberg officially declares”? He can’t be that dumb.

Yeah, one of the annoying things about Predictit is that it really makes you wait it out. This market isn’t going to pay out in full until inauguration day.

This is [quote=“Trolly, post:431, topic:248, full:true”]

Also one of the things that keeps me sane, however. These guys can pump and dump and go nuts all they want with their conspiracy hate for Clinton–but eventually the price will reflect reality.

this smokey joe dude might be the best on predictit. Somehow hillary at one point got to 12% in SC primary and he had bought all the shares at 2.

I’m the one who bet it back down. Also I have no more $ avail on the site, and my god if she runs now I will hate her so so so much.

Rumors out there that the Horowitz report is going to go hard in the paint; including a criminal referral on comey.

Hes running a con. It shouldnt be allowed honestly.

Getting kinda shook right now because of the McCabe market. Still holding on to “no.”

To me, it sounds like from all reports they’re charging somebody. Just a matter of when and who. This is one of those things they had kept around to help trump out and they’re gonna use it.

The report keeps getting delayed so the deadline is helping you out a fair bit here. I’m basically tied up or I’d probably try to sell the news when it hits if I can see they’re not gonna get around to an actual charge in time.

This thread is giving me big feels remembering the golden days of online casino bonuses. Any old schoolers here from bonuswhores? Whatever happened to Freakin’?

Are you talking poker or online casinos? I got in on some of the bonuswhores days for poker but not casinos. I think I started playing in early 2006. Deposited $50 on party poker to get started and never looked back. I can’t remember all the sites I played, but I’m sure it was ~20+ different ones chasing bonuses that first year or 2.

I mean the days when Intercasino and about 30 other sites were just handing out free money on the first of every month. But you couldn’t play poker, so you’d play blackjack or sometimes slots to clear the bonus.

There was a small forum on bonuswhores that would just give out straightforward advice about how to make $100+ per hour playing blackjack on the internet. This all went away after a few years. Like around 2003-2006 maybe?

Bonuswhoring was amazing.

There were hundreds of online casinos given out +EV bonuses. Some of them had automatic play, you could set the computer to play the minimum number of $1 blackjack hands required, go to sleep, and see how much of your bonus you got to keep in the morning. (Some of them were stringent enough that you could lose $, but most of them if you played the minimum at $1 a hand it was impossible to not make money.)

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I’m in a WAAF mood, anyone want to take the over on votes for conviction on 48.5? I win if there’s 48 or less votes to convict, you win if more. $50 paypal. Push in the expected ways.

I’m assuming OLC is Office of Legal Counsel?

Anyway, Hillary’s best path to the nomination is as some sort of a compromise candidate at a contested convention, or stepping in if Biden drops out and getting him to throw his support behind her.

The problem in scenario A is at least half the party has to hate her, the problem in scenario B is that she might not get the support of the Obama wing of the party (they are apparently still trying to get Deval Patrick to run). Plus she’s already missing filing deadlines.

Speaking of the Obama wing of the party, a huge LOL Team Obama for their ineptitude at king making. Didn’t get Biden to run in 2016 when he would have won, couldn’t stop him from running in 2020 when they knew he was toast, couldn’t get Deval Patrick to run from the start when he had a legit shot.

But I have to circle back to…

WTF are you reading? lol…

WTF how did I miss this? Ugh… Such free money.