Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

I don’t read the forums there because ew but man if there isn’t a cap on posting or moderation there there must be many many attempts at market manipulation. Having a forum on a betting site is a terrible idea.

Yea there’s a lot of shadiness. People are making huge fake buy orders to manipulate the price in this market, that’s why it often will fluctuate 2-3c for no apparent reason.

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I imagine some of these people made a killing betting heavy on Trump in 2016 and are now redistributing it back.

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Market did exactly what I said it would. I wish there wasn’t a betting limit :/

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Anybody buying Tulsi no November shares for 0.01 for when she hollowly threatens to participate in the debate again and the market pumps?

I’ve just been on Predict for a week and am wondering-do some markets move for no reason? Warren is diving and I’m not seeing any polls or need that seems related

Warren’s odds of winning Iowa have gone down a bit, so everything else went with it accordingly.

Similar reason as why Pete’s polls are not even close outside of Iowa but his odds keep going up everywhere.

Warren’s been declining slowly for awhile now. It correlates to some poll declines and some media/establishment/rich people resistance to her being the nominee. And today there are more rumblings of Bloomberg or Eric Holder getting into the race.

But yes there are markets that move for no, or even better insane, reasons.

congrats to anyone who had bloomberg/holder yes shares

lesson learned, always bet yes on people being stupid as ****

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Buying up as much Biden 19 and Warren 29 as I can

Shame my buy no button is broken; I’d be firing on anti bloomberg everywhere.

I think I’ll wait until he actually declares and then get on the short wagon. I’m out of my Biden while this dust settles as well. I got out of my Warren a few weeks ago in the high 30s but will be looking to get back into Biden and Warren around the same time I short Bloomberg.

15c Bloomberg lmao

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he’s at 11 for POTUS and i can’t reverse bet either one :frowning:

edit–12, nearly tied with joe biden WTF

Snagged a little over 600 Warren @29 so far, in hindsight shouldn’t have bothered with Bloomberg no’s @85, missed out on the Warren 28 and Biden 19

as expected by anyone who uses brain cells, Hillary did not file in time to run in Alabama so instead of a 2% market it’ll still be like 10% yes for god knows why reasons. (it won’t resolve for a year, so it’s gonna be at least 5 to the pure annoyance of people like me who will want to bet it for other wagers)

The fees are such a killer, you can’t bet long term things even at like 8% that seem pretty free because it ties it up too long and you don’t get enough.

I think that’s a huge part of the reason some of these markets stay irrational for so long.

you still can get hillary no’s at 86. This site is incredible, how the **** am I down so far.

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