Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

This is the kind of incorrect thinking that is keeping the Hillary market viable.

Hillary no rebounding as the deadlines loom and people are having to go all in on the conspiracy past this point.

I didnt think it’d go so low but if you got in in the last week or so on anything hillary no i think you scored

So, thinking ahead … are we going to get individual Trump popular vote markets for each state? Once the nominees are set, feels like there’s gonna be a ton of opportunity to fade Trump fanatics.

What was the name of the guy who is worth like eight figures from trump bets that he rolled into bitcoin after the election? Awice?

Right now Trump to win national popular vote is at 24 … I wonder what some of these Trump bettors think the price should be in Pennsylvania.

Really want to max this out but all my money is tied up until 1/1/20.

I already maxed that one out. Probably too soon, on these things there’s always something in the right wing media that bumps it up at least 5 points.

Tulsi made it to the nov debate. Barely, again.

I think I’ll make money on this site by the end of 2020 and then quit forever.

I had to be at least 95% when I made that wager sigh.


Fucking Hillary man. I feel your pain. I lost a lot of money betting on her over Trump.

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If Hillary pulls some kind of wtf and runs I’ll be on omega life tilt. But there’s absolutely no way. Bottom line if it even ever made sense for her to run, she would have done it already. There’s no logic in her waiting til the 11th hour, deadlines expiring left and right, and then randomly announcing some weird run she has no shot in. I know all this in my head but I can’t believe how much I’m succumbing to the derpery. For weeks I have been reading that she wears a defibrillator vest and just kind of thought oh, must be true, turns out it’s not ldo.

Also had no idea what “OLC” meant in reference to hillary, had to do a bit of digging there to figure that out.

Man I want Hillary to run so bad. Just to see her lose again in the primary, would be the perfect cherry on the pile of shit that is her career.

That would be a bigger fuck you to me than the time I got my hillary 2016 stickers in the mail… the morning after the election. (I had donated maybe 3 months earlier)

Hillary market comments are gold.

She could announce today, gather signatures tomorrow (only need 500) and file in Alabama on Friday

There’s a lot better. Smokeyjoe is either trolling or fullblown mentally ill and having a break from reality.

I think he’s serious.

Someone’s got to be buying the other side of these markets.

It’s funny. No just jumped up because the yessers have been breathless about how she’s going to announce at her big book thingy today. Of course she didn’t and now they are all breathless reading in between the lines of everything she said as to why she’s actually SECRETLY running still, it’s all a ploy.

Hillary’s the greatest troll of all time on accident. I feel bad for wishing this but I hope most of these people lose money they cannot afford to lose. These are the types that bring an AR into a pizza parlor trying to find the clinton sex ring. It’s 100% this crowd.

if you guys are looking for an exit on hillary no - which IMO is dumb but whatever - tonight is probably the moment, all the yessers are expecting her to announce at 6pm PDT in NY, she won’t, and it’ll jump up to high 80’s or 90 before they come up with some new crazy theory to hold on to for dear life. That’s my prediction and my observations have led me to believe that’s how this market usually goes. It’s so strange and fascinating.

SmokeyJoe is making a killing either way, iirc he had like $850 of Hillary to win nom at 2c and tens of thousands of shares of her in primarily markets

But yes, also probably mentally ill

I know. That’s what’s making me think he’s playing this market and is not sincere. He posts in there like it’s a job - and people respond strongly to it on both sides.