Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Yeah my thought was that it would spike today (didn’t move much) and once the public hearings start, and it had way more upside than by the end of the first term. Now I’m concerned I’m going to lose the whole investment on it.

I sold all shares of articles of impeachment by 3/31 because I was up 10% and it looked stable and I wanted to dump some more money into hillary no stuff.

This is what I have for buy and hold. I decided not to touch the Jan 1 impeachment because House has a bunch of time off, there may be a shutdown, and there may be too many crimes exposed in hearings for a quick vote. Also, there may be some court decisions around Dec. 1-15 on things like taxes and McGahan that drag things out. Not a sweat I want.

moved 4 cents against you.

This impeachment would have to proceed way faster than any in history for it to happen by the end of 2019. OTOH, it has definitely been going way faster than any of the other impeachments, so I got nothing. Think for sure it’s over by 3/31.

For 3/31 though, you have to buy separately for the number of articles as well, right? And currently no on 0 is trading roughly equal to yes on impeached by the end of 2019, so you get the extra nine months for free.

was too low volume over there or I could’ve had a pretty fun arb with those heh. That said I think the 1% difference is basically right, it’s really hard to see this dragging on past that date anyway or even into campaign season because of senators wanting to campaign rather than spending 3 weeks in hell.

I think the difference is a bit inefficient - there’s always the chance Trump manages to do something (or something comes to light) between 3/31/20 and 12/31/20 that is absurd enough that it leads to a fast track impeachment.

I’m loaded up on no by year end but yes in first term for impeachment.

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There’s a phenomenon amongst these q types that I call “shrodinger’s hillary” where she is simultaneously weak, stupid, frail, about to die, wears a defibrillator vest because she can drop at any moment, but also an all powerful, masterful manipulator:

We already established there are no rules or laws that affect Hillary because Hillary makes the rules and laws. She’s just waiting until the week before the election where she’ll order all states to replace ballots with new ballots that have her name on them. Then she’ll take over all election boards and change the results if she loses.

She controls the Supreme Court too so any challenges will be denied.

Did I miss anything?

And yet somehow she lost to a black guy and an orange guy lol.

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The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”

Gabbard bricked a bunch of polls this morning. Time for this market to flip again.

Anyone still got McCabe shares? I’ve got some No and the market has been moving in the right direction. This whole Nov. 15 DOJ investigation into the Russia investigation thing has me kinda worried though … Trump actually would use the office to pursue his enemies. There aren’t any “well, he’d never do that”'s left.

Was thinking about buying some Pete to win the presidency.

Still holding onto my McCabe NO shares. What a glorious ride it’s been:

Right now, the Hillary market is the craziest thing out there. Slowly trending upward despite no signs at all that she might run.

Yeah I got McCabe No at 62*.
Hillary market is a big loser for me at the moment but that doesn’t make me nervous at all.

EDIT: *apparently I simply cannot do the math to figure out my price. Ugh.

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Well there is plenty of speculation to drive the market:

Horowitz report is supposed to be released in two weeks, they also said this a month ago though.

I still think he’s getting charged with lying part of it but obviously that timeframe window is closing fast.

The thing that could come back to bite you in the hillary market is that she is likely surrounded by people telling her that she should run. I feel like a lot of the people that worked on her campaign last go around probably aren’t really suffering any consequences from trump, I remember at the time that they all somehow dealt with the loss in 2016 by taking trips to europe