is that the “guess the odds he’ll ever get paid?” market
so people that aren’t in any office whatsoever are 99 NO’s on PI including Devos, Bill Barr, who for some reason still can’t get to N/A when he’s been gone over a scarmucci now. Is someone holding max 1c to try to dump at 2 to some maga moron if something happens and maga is too stupid to realize he’s not in there? that’s some gambling, jeez.
but none of them are worth picking up such troll Every senator is literally 0% to be in the cabinet as even if you’re sure a dem replaces them there’s time off between the appointment and the replacement and that’s a terrible idea.
maga might hit 6c now, okay THAT rise I didn’t see coming. jfc, they probably still believe trump’s gonna stay president
Haspel is up to 10c? I’m getting a bit shook on that one, might bail. OTOH it doesn’t make any sense. Since she will fire or resign, or at minimum, be only acting until the Biden nom is confirmed. in all cases that would resolve Haspel no
says 9y/6n probably has to do with he hasn’t named one yet, has finished his cabinet, and if impeachment happens could delay things for awhile
I’d have t o look up if CIA ever stayed on though till replacement, possible a nat sec one like that has
if she’s there as cia director march 1st, it would resolve yes. (she was senate confirmed in 2018)
Right but i thought they always all resigned on inauguration day
except nat sec ones are often not till the day the replacement takes over
not always true, but bush-obama didn’t resign till feb. Brennan gtfo obviously when trump came in
W kept Bill Clinton’s till the WMD Iraq fuck up.
going through the history list
some quit immediately, some were held over, some stayed till the replacement
CIA appears to not be a cabinet spot in the biden administration, though that doesn’t matter for the PI market
He’ll get paid pretty sure, he moves in heavy gambling circles. He laid 5-1 lol. The guy bet 9K AUD (7K USD) then he offered him more at 10-1 and the guy bet another 4K AUD.
10-1 he won’t be pres at the end of 2021, he got suckered there, it’s 20-1 he won’t be inaugurated on jan 20th. he probably could’ve gotten 10-1 out of the guy on simply joe biden ever being president
Bought 2000 shares of no impeachment for 11c. Feel like there’s more than 10% chance it doesn’t happen. And long shots are fun!!
Bought 2000 shares for no impeachment at 11c. Feels like there’s more than an 11% chance it doesn’t happen. Plus it’s fun to bet on a long shot😂
Wtf is going on in the cabinet markets, how am I so bad at this free money thing
dem side–impeachment eating senate time delays everything means some aren’t gonna make it by the deadline
rep side–trump coup is still on #maga
some of these pounded too far, unless yellen or blinken die, they’re in pretty fast
if it’s a very low priority one like USTR I’m sitting on the sidelines for now.
stephen miller is 4c for a position he does not currently have
Giuliani no pardon in 2020 at 3c seems free money. I guess it’s possible he’s got a secret pardon that hasn’t been announced. Still market resolves on 1/13 so would have to announce it by then - or some evidence it exists for Predicit to extend market.
PolyMarket starting the free money markets forever with the will Biden be President on X date? Hopefully, PredictIt follows suit.
Also, lol im back to mega red arrow on PredictIt cuz of all these MAGA Cabinets
maga cabinet now 7c-9c
lol me it’s amazing that after the election I was so sure prices would go back up and did, then after the 6th being so sure that wouldn’t happen as it’s too close to the actual end
but no
Perhaps it’s people thinking Senate will be too busy with impeachment to approve Biden’s cabinet and he’ll just keep some Trump people? Seems very unlikely, but at least semi-plausible.
no they think trump is going to be president another 4 years
That’s a Covid death pool market. It’s not free money, althought it’s +EV.