Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Hillary’s team is using the same strategy Trump used in 2016.

Leveraging free media time to promote a political brand. In her case a political rebrand.

Trump did a masterful job of using other peoples money. He is the king of leverage. The master of debt. He leveraged millions in free airtime with all his call ins, and crazy rants. It cost him nothing.

Meanwhile Hillary’s team was writing checks to get the same airtime exposure.

Interesting. She is learning. She will run. She will lose. We will make money.

Lol what level is anyone on in these comments, it’s like a black hole, I can’t stop looking into it

I think probably some of the comments are just people leveling, but I can’t tell who’s for real or not.

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I was thinking the same thing about going to the source to see their latest nonsense beliefs.

You’re going to buy a golf club like a driver or a golf club like Doral? By election day, who knows?


Is there a way to start new markets on PredictIt?


I’m long a bunch of stuff, but agree that buying hyper-partisan contracts heading into news events is a good way to find some volatility.


Tulsi got a qualifying poll today so now I’m kinda shook.

I’m just gonna take the free money ones–enough of this nonsense where I try to think things like “she barely qualified for the last debate so there’s no way with these tougher standards she’s gonna get into the next one”. Those are gonna kill me.

There’s thin value on Tulsi because her stans are definitely tilting the market a bit. I got lucky on one debate but the got burned on the next one.

is everyone running for president again?

these rcp ones are nuts. Debate performance is kinda irrelevant it seems. Still have no idea how Biden keeps slowly gaining overall.

Hillary 25% yes to run on predictit (!) (as of this post, it’s swingy obviously)

Either I’m the biggest sucker on that site or I’m an idiot because I could’ve made enough to eat for a month on yes and selling now.

Supposedly she added a policy tab to her website sometime in the last couple of days. It is on there but I’m not sure if it was added or was on there before so that probably had something to do with the upswing

no, her old campaign manager or whatever the dude is was on tucker


I wish i could put more money on this

Sweet Christmas, it’s up to .20.

Yeah nuts. Wish I could bet directly with some of these guys.

I maxed No @ 16 and ugh.
I had thought about trying to trade that number up but OBVIOUSLY THE MARKET WILL COLLAPSE ANY DAY and so oops nah.

1900 No shares out there at 80 rn. sigh.

I got $500 in a while back on no at .80, almost sold out when it got into the mid-high 80’s, but was basically only going to cash out in the 90’s.

This market and the Trump to be impeached market seem extremely irrational right now.

Like, we’re not crazy right? She has no offices opened in IA/NH, right? No staff? No structure in place to make this possible? Most of her former staff working for other candidates?

So the only way would basically be for someone to drop out and essentially hand over their staff/organization?

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Seems pretty clear that Hillary is in the news because she’s just promoting her new book and trying to hype up the inevitable Chelsea run. I can’t think of a reason not to back up the truck at these prices.


I think most of us already have backed up the maximum number of trucks they allow. at least I already had so watching this was all tilting being unable to do anything about it (26% at one point it got to the other night btw)