Getting Trump at only 1.95 is so terrible. Maga people really didn’t give a shit about the odds, they just believed their cult leader was invincible.
Except Wisconsin is not closed.
MI/WI/NV is also not closed at 92 NO’s.
WI had some issue with the suit, they’re allowed to check some ballots and possibly get a few thrown out from what I read earlier.
New Mexico is state #7 also, there’s a lawsuit there now I assume it’s because new nevada didn’t count but new mexico does and that’s unfair
btw, with this many markets to pay out at once it’ll come at worst tomorrow but it’ll take a bit for them to go through.
I’m refreshing like crazy cuz i wanna enter other markets
how long do you think roughly? The popular vote came pretty fast after it closed i thought
when a few close they’re great but a bunch at once they end up rolling throughout their day (they’re new zealand remember and markets here close 12 pm est) when they get to them. Might have more people working on the hats than the actual site idk.
It’s a lot better recently than trolly remembers them to be from the past though.
i just got fox, so it must all be coming now
One of their dumbest fuckups of all time was closing a market but not settling it for weeks or months. That might have been the same government shutdown market I referenced earlier itt, I can’t remember for sure. Then you could even sell to exit.
oh they’re all coming out pretty quickly MY ACCOUNT BALANCE IS GLORIOUS
omg its happening
NV is now expired, too.
Do you guys think all the Trump cabinet secretary NO contracts are locks?
(seriously ugh at already been pounded and will keep getting pounded, maybe I’ll gamble on a rebound from more lol trump money here)
PA settled too, prices going fucking haywire.
k, doing research aka the predictit comments regarding WI–it has to go one ballot by one to get any tossed and LOL at that or trump paying for that or anything else but WI may not settle today. They’re probably as confused as I am.
a lot more money getting dumped at once does this but this is a rare situation every other time you just let the wave pass and buy whatever you want after it clears out but there’s so much of it here idk.
All the money flowing straight to various Biden for president markets. Prices instantly melting up.
Yeah all the Trump appointee cabinet positions got halved in about 5 minutes.
All of the maga money just evaporated. I’m not sure I see some massive maga deposits to offset this price action that should have happened a month ago.
you are now an oracle max level 7
I wish this meant something other than “you’ve spent too much time on this site” oh well