Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Thanks. Seem like the 228 or lower is also worth a no at 93c?

I guess there’s some remote in the woods argument that scotus could rule nothing counts on that day yet so technically it ends with all zero’s. Can’t think of how a state would get overturned in 4 days over a weekend though.

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All 6 unsettled states currently at 93 or higher. The free money is officially gone.

I see 4% ROI on those but down to mostly the cabinet markets and whatever biden is left

Hunter still 87 to not get charged by new years day

If you already have money on there maybe, but the ROI is down to 1% at best if you have to deposit.

87c isn’t 1% ROI

edit–ah, I see where the disconnect is, I was referring to all the free money markets not just the states

I think the price moves today were the swing traders exiting their positions. The true MAGAs are probably just going down with the ship


The congressional challenges to electors market seems pretty juicy. I’m still tied up elsewhere though.

All the cabinet position markets still have MAGA trading at like 10-15c. I’m gonna try to park in these next I think, if the price is good enough

If the NYT is still doing Trump safari pieces, I’d pay good money for an investigative piece on MAGA PredictIt junkies. Their “analysis” of the markets in as much detail as possible please.

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Regarding where to park after things get paid out, if you are quick enough you could still get the withdraw fees back in will trump get convicted in impeachment or who wins the house or everyone not in the cabinet or indictments by the end of the year markets or non trump cabinet markets but those don’t pay out till march.

or who gets the most votes like No’s on LOLffler in GA or just straight up gamble in all the GA markets.

How many electoral certificates of vote will be formally challenged in Congress?

assuming NO on 7 or more is free at this point, not sure about zero, randstanding paul is too much of a wild card

also check your balance





Could easily see Cruz or Rand getting involved. And they will for sure get house members to challenge. I think No on Zero is probably value. And then maybe Yes on 6 and Yes on 7 or more.

If a senator does get involved, it seems likely they challenge all of the obvious ones, GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ, and NV. Unclear what would come next, maybe MN?

Would love to see PI just start settling markets now.

damn there went the cabinet markets, lol me for not depositing to max them all out too

but that would’ve been a lot so oh well

The race to get out on PI is spectacular


Damn. Bill Barr no was 11c yesterday now 2c. I sold my D-Y Pennsylvania shares for 98c and rolled over to the hunter Biden market for 91

triggering the libs by giving them a shit ton of money