Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Yeah I was joking :upside_down_face:

I wish they’d get a November debate market up, so the Gabbard stans could donate again.


Has Garbbage weighed in on events in the Middle East lately?

It’s just one of those things that’s so hopelessly stupid/delusional/crazy that it’s actually making me second guess myself whether it’s possible - it just isn’t. But I keep second guessing with all these lunatics.

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I’d like to bet Warren beats Trump if she gets the nom.

I’d also like to bet Biden loses to Trump if he gets the nom.

Those are the only two I feel comfortable with.

Will Trump resign during his first term?
Yes 19

hate it, i can’t see trump ever resigning for basically any reason, his ego is way too big

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Also he’ll be criminally liable for all kinds of shit when he no longer has the magical unitary executive power of the presidency. There’s no incentive for him to ever resign.

I see China:Currency Manipulator market is tanking. Damn, I sold my No shares. … people speculating the trade agreement with China means he wont go through with it in the FX Report.

I can bet up to $200 that the following happens:

If Trump Runs against Warren, Warren will lose
If Trump Runs against Biden, Biden will lose
Neither run - it’s a push. Trump dies/resigns/is removed - it’s a push.

Basically I’ll take any bet that involves trump winning in an election next year.

Biden nominee is +400. Seems like good value?

I’m the worst handicapper ever so plz ignore, but I would want like +800

I mean I obviously hate him but he seems to actually be like +250, Midwest idiots love him and the centrist corporate asshole types will drown him in cash unless his dentures fall out on stage

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i’ve felt Biden has been undervalued for a while, but he keeps dropping

most recent polls have been all over the place, of the RCP polls with october data we have Warren +1, Biden +12, Warren +3, Biden +10, Warren +4. Literally wat

the polls are all just a few hundred people so they’re going to be all over the place

The biden being down odds wise has to be 1) ukraine talk sinking him like some think will happen and 2) lots of leftist group thinkers like this thread–according the polls he’s actually slightly ahead of warren still.

the polls also appear to show the dem candidate doesn’t matter now though, before biden was certainly a few percentage points the best choice and now they’re almost all the same vs trump head ot head.

Weeeeew how’d you guys do

Knew this was a good buy two weeks ago when they were trading at LOL 7 cents. Do I cash out now or let it ride?

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Damn I knew I shouldve maxed this one. Nearly doubled up last night.

I just made some moves…

Bernie to be the nominee, 770 shares at .13 as a short term play. I think he’s a little bit undervalued now, and there will be moments in the future where he’ll be overvalued.

Trump to be impeached by the House by the end of 2019, 270 shares at .37. This was trading at .59 a couple weeks ago, and I think they’ll very likely vote around Thanksgiving. I may not ride it out until then, but it seems likely to increase dramatically in the next couple of weeks.

To win SC:
Liz 123 shares at .2
Bernie 600 shares at .05
Booker 750 shares at .04
Kamala 833 shares at .03
Buttigieg 666 shares at .03

Biden doesn’t have much cash on hand, and his campaign should be spiraling downward over the coming months. As it becomes more and more clear that his chances to win the nomination are virtually nil, I think that whichever of Liz/Bernie is able to get the black vote in SC will surge, and I think Booker/Kamala are likely to surge as well as a result of Biden fading. I bought some of Pete just to be safe. He may bump up a couple cents when it happens, although I don’t think it’s very logical. I basically wanted to put ~125-150 into the market here betting against Biden.

I may have made a mistake in putting too much on the candidates trading in the .03-.04 range, but then again if they go up a couple cents, it’s a huge ROI.

I think you let it ride on Bernie, I don’t know about Pete. Like, I don’t think he has an 11% chance of winning the nomination so I think he’s overvalued… but I also think Biden is going to fall and Pete should absorb some of that support, and some of that value in the market. Maybe wait and see, keep a close eye, sell Pete around .15?

That’s not exactly how I’m playing this - I’m not betting on who wins, rather who I think the last 3 or 4 people will be.

If it comes down to warren/sanders/pete at some point I win HUGE. But petes peak is probably 20%. If warren knocks out sanders then pete is kind of a hedge.

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