Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Just backed up the truck and bought $400 at 0.77 and I’m probably gonna kick myself for not shoving all-in.

If you’re going to lose one bet in your life, it may as well be this one. The writers are pulling out all the stops.


am i losing my mind or did Bovada remove Clinton as an option??? I literally checked 1 day ago and saw it???

predictit thinks that hillary is twice as likely as bernie to be the dem candidate in 2020

what a world we live in. there has to be so much fucking dead money on this site, omg. I’m out of barrels to throw at the hillary bet. Going with the no side of the hillary 2020 dem candidate to double down on this.

I’d say they are equally likely.

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Did you max-short every single caucus?

Hillary Clinton tweets and I went from Green to Red in three markets.

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Yeah the HRC markets you’re probably holding until they finish. The conspiritards aren’t going anywhere.

Nah it’s very reactive. It’ll go off like this when hillary tweets something or shows up on a talkshow to pimp a book, but it seems to always reverts back to 7/93 type of lines.

Even with the cap in place i’ll take a 10-15 cent gain all day

Had to deposit again to buy Hillary No at .80.


Same. Only did $500, tempted to really fire at it. Seems like a virtual lock to be back to .90+ in a week or two, right?

The “safer” bet is no on her winning IA and NH though. She’s basically drawing dead with no structure in place, even if she DID decide to run somehow. But you’ve gotta buy no at like .93 and hold it for ~four months. If not for the rake on withdrawal, I’d probably try to get up to like 10K in there on those and take the free 7.5%.

It is astonishing how propaganda works when there’s no central authority directing it. All of the propagandists have managed to gaslight themselves into believing nonsensical shit that even the leaders believe, and it’s going to put them at a huge information disadvantage.

Hell, I only did $150. I’m already $700 in to predictit on other bets and don’t want to go nuts. I have a day job. That said, it’d be worth slamming for 1k if there’s action. Stay away from the NH/IA bets. You don’t want the cash tied up and there’s just no way she’s running.

Hillary 2020 and the Trump Popular Vote markets are my favorite.

Prediction: Hillary will run, get the nomination and lose, and Trump will cut Social Security right after 2020 so everyone broke ITT will starve to death. Sorry :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


This Hillary stuff is exactly like before the last season of GoT when Bran the Busted skyrocketed to the top of the Iron Throne charts and we were all like “WTF???“

She’s running and someone leaked the script.


Filing deadlines for most States primaries are in like three weeks. She isn’t running.

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Tweet from a rando. Probably trying to juice the market.

Hillary has no staff and no one on the ground my god crazypills.gif