Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Sanders priced very low right now. Grabbed several hundred shares of “will bernie be the nominee” at 7c, I think this will for sure rebound. Buttigieg also priced very low, probably too low.

My thinking is bernie’s probably not done unless his health is far worse than everyone knows. He’ll come back and the stock will go back up to ~15c after the next debate.

the other side of that bet seems extraordinarily likely? maybe even before year end at this rate.

Sorry I meant the no side lol. Basically betting on every number that isn’t zero.


Trump to win Popular Vote is the most insane PI market.


lol it’s up to .17, these people are insane.

37 minutes ago
Just because she announced on The View that she’s not running in 2020 doesn’t mean that Hillary is not running. This market resolves to YES exactly 8 weeks from today.

8 hours ago
Nice recovery folks.

Remember, anything less than .50 is a bargain at this

Dont play the market. Play the person.

HRC is NO WAY standing on the sidelines as a POTUS election (especially this one) goes down

Ain’t happening

paavo Steve Dannely
18 minutes ago edited
It’s not up to her. She needs powerful backers and specifically Lynn Forester de Rothschild has to back her. I watched that View again, and sold my ‘yes mam’s’. She’s dying to run. But she’s just a dog on a leash in the backyard, barking at the hens next door.

The Rothschilds!

waiting for it to get back down to 80c again and I’m gonna ride it back on the way up to the 90’s next time hillary appears on a talk show again. I guess that was the reason for the weird little bump in “no” in the last few days. I sold at 89? 90? I can’t remember but I binked 100 bucks out of it.

Doesnt look like there’s many willing to sell “no” shares in the low 80’s but people are dumb. Just need bannon or one of those other pizzagate idiots to open their mouths again.

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Looooool sucker money

I bet yes on butt gig and burn dawg

Those shares will def go up. Bernie aint droppin out til he croaks and I think biden isnt gonna be a player late in the game.

Bernies participating in the next debate. Boom. Go me

Are there any deposit bonuses or the like on predictit? I think I’m gonna drop a little money tonight.

I don’t think so, no bonuses.

I’m starting to take positions on fox news / republican derp lines I know will move in reaction to any news. Like “will hunter biden be charged by 12/31/2020” was scooped up by me pretty low and I know it’s just gonna go north. And since the price is low, line movements up just a few cents yield pretty good returns. Idk if I’m doing this right but dunno.

This seems like a good idea. Just don’t hold too long.

Yea like my hunter biden bet is already up 23% lol. Get out now obviously.

From what I’ve seen these lines kinda stabilize pretty predictably. I want to incorporate some data analysis into these somehow but I’m not sure how I can extract data from this site. There has to be a way right?

There’s a lot of money to be made here I sense. I have a coworker that plots absurd charts like stock market vs phases of the fucking moon. I could enlist his help.

Careful with this, it’s an insane cult in the context of stocks, aka, “technical analysis”. It’s fine with predictit, as you understand some of the fundamentals, ie, Fox News, driving it.

Uh, this sounds like some degen riggaments shit right here.

Yea he is but he knows how to chart and analyze data - I am wondering how hard it is to get their research data.