Best Song Ever Bracket!! (Walrus of Walri). All Welcome.

Well, geniuses, so far you’ve just made the situation worse!

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lol 4-way tie for 1st as of right now. We need @Rexx to change her vote and break this up!

For me it was a close decision for 2nd place between Siouxsie and the Cure. I could change that vote to make it a three way tie but I don’t want to do that to the detriment of Vive la fête which I think is far superior to either.

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Well, still no resolution in Group 4. I’ll leave it and look again tomorrow morning. We will, however, press on…

Group 5

Firstly a stunning piece of soul from Charles Bradley, Strictly Reserved For You.

Such a choice piece was obviously submitted by me, and @Pauwl gave it a win in a round about positive love songs.

This is the kinda thing I was trying to push people to by saying to go 80s and backward. Curtis Mayfield kinda shit. I know this is recent but it has that 70’s sound. Really cool. This is that kinda soul music I need to listen to more. This is a proper love song. Maybe this should win it all. Fuck it, this is a banger!.

Then we have Beach House bringing us a Space Song.

@eyebooger provoked Dreamlike Thoughts in @Pauwl, and for that won the round (about provoking Dreamlike Thoughts.)

This is one of the bands I was after when I said Dream Pop. I click this in my youtube recommendations all the time. The song is super familiar to ME, but I don’t think I can knock it for something I’m familiar with that the gen-pop isn’t. This is a good close your eyes song. Pure pandering, but this is exactly what I love.

And following is a proper classic with Chuck Berry and Riding Along in My Automobile.

@microbet won a round about a song you listened to in High School, @cassette gave out the honours.

This Chuck fellow is on to something. And the video is fast cars, so there’s that. I mean, I know that people say that WAAF, and maybe we are, but then there’s music like this. Humans did this. I submit this as exhibit 1 that WAANF.

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Next up a song that just gets better every time I listen to it, and I’ve listened to it a fair amount, Michael Kiwanuka with You Ain’t the Problem.

@MimosaDef romped to victory in @cassette’s 2019-20 songs round.

Wow. This is great. Returning champ Mimosa with a strong first pick! Is the whole album this good? Those last 20 seconds feel odd. Not quite sure why the song ends the way it does, but otherwise a really phenomenal track. Thanks very much for this. I love it.

Then a band pretty much everyone respects, De La Soul and Stakes is High.

@JohnnyTruant persuaded @mjiggy that this was the pick of the years 1996-2000.

Yes, give me all the music like this please. De La Soul is a group I remember although I couldn’t tell you what songs they did. Not sure I ever heard this song in particular but it reminds me of a lot of stuff that I did like back then, and still do. Going with something a little bit less well known was a good choice, although I can’t say for sure that a great KRS-One or Nas song wouldn’t have gotten first place either. Thanks for all the submissions, will be back for round 4 when time permits.

Finally another soulful track from Sam Cooke asking Bring it Home to Me.

@TheDuker claimed top spot off of @cassette in a category about outstanding vocals. No argument there.

A gorgeous opening hook leads into a fantastic vocal performance with some really nice call and response sections. Sometimes the stripped-down basics really do it best. My favorite of the bunch, according to number of plays, so it earns the GOLD.

Tough competition! That cassette guy picked some real winners!


Try and vote this one sensibly, yeah? (2 votes each etc.)

Group 5
  • Charles Bradley - Strictly Reserved For You
  • Beach House - Space Song
  • Chuck Berry - Riding Along in My Automobile
  • Michael Kiwanuka - You Ain’t the Problem
  • De La Soul - Stakes is High
  • Sam Cooke - Bring it Home to Me

0 voters

Pretty easy round here imo

Holy shit, for me this is like that final Jeopardy round for Cliff Clavin. I don’t think there’s a song in this group that I wouldn’t have picked as a top 2 in the previous rounds.

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Isn’t the Chuck Berry song called “No Particular Place to Go”?

Beach House blocking this from being an all African-American round smh. Started my relisten and that Charles Bradley song is damn good, going to be a tough round to rank although I think Chuck Berry is probably a no from me.

OK voting for Charles Bradley and then razor thin between all three songs in the second group, although Sam Cooke is probably behind simply because this probably isn’t my favorite song by him and I’m biased against picking two soul songs. Probably going Kiwanuka by a hair.

I’m claiming Kiwanuka for the motherland, Great Britain.



Strictly Reserved for You-2013 really? If you had told me this was from 60’s Motown I would have believed you. Dig it.

Space Song-Alright I love this. Almost certainly getting my vote.

Riding Along in My Automobile-Don’t know if I have ever heard this before, as famous as Chuck Berry is. Fun catchy song. Definitely has a Chuck Berry feel.

You Ain’t The Problem-Another cool song I’m digging. Sitting at a current 3 way tie for third.

Stakes is High-(secretly rooting for song 6 to stop a run off). Once again digging this.

Bring It Home To Me-Yeah gonna have to do a run off tomorrow

(how do we get so much old time Motown type stuff in one group?)

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This entire election process is rigged. I will mail in my ballot as protest.

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Man Alive, this round is hard. played each one and then thought well I’m definitely voting for this every time.

Walrus has turned me on to dream pop in a big way. so thanks to @Pauwl for that

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Yeah dream pop is pretty good and I’ve liked a lot of the stuff posted by and for Pauwl but that song doesn’t do it for me at all, maybe I’m missing something.

How many total rounds of 6 are we having?

16 rounds for a 32-song bracket.

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Poor Chuck.

The disrespect for “Stakes Is High” itt is unforgivable. De La’s best cannot be a one and done.