Nick selected didnt he?
Seems polite to wait for the write up
I think the point of posting the selection without the write-up was so that other picks could be made.
Otherwise, why post the pick at all?
This was my thought
OK fine
With my pick I take season 6’s A Fish Called Selma
By this point the writing has gone completely off the wall and episodes like these were being made with varying success. The first (only?) real episode to feature Troy McClure and is best known for the Planet of the Apes the Musical song
Rest of the episode is fantastic of course with Jub Jub, Troy’s weird house, “Gay? I wish!”, Phil Hartman being Phil Hartman basically.
That’s how I like to do it too.
We post picks before write ups as a compromise not to hold up the draft.
Most of the time, the person making a pick but waiting to post their write up WANTS the draft to continue, so you are actually doing them a favor if you say “TY” and everyone continues making their picks.
But for sure we might get one of those rascals who delays the draft for two days and then makes a pick that’s not even eligible. Not naming any names, but it rhymes with masculine tributaries of water.
Nice pick. Fleshing out one of their most popular side characters and providing insight into what makes Selma tick makes this a great episode.
Also, Dr. Zeus.
@eyebooger is up
Glad I can still get this one.
Homer The Smithers
Smithers goes on vacation, and Homer fills in as Mr Burns’ assistant.
Pull yourself together, man. I daresay you’re in need of a long vacation.
No! Don’t make me take a vacation! Without you I’ll wither and die!
That’s a risk I’m willing to take.
I’ve got to find a replacement that won’t outshine me. Perhaps if I searched the employee evaluations for the word “Incompetent”…
714 matches found.
714 names? Better be more specific. “lazy”, “clumsy”, “dim-witted”, “monstrously ugly”
714 matches found.
Oh, nuts to this! I’ll just go get Homer Simpson.
Really Smithers, I’ll be fine. I’m sure your replacement will be able to handle everything. Who is he, anyway?
Uh, Homer Simpson, sir. One of your organ banks from sector 7-G. All the recent events of your life have revolved around him in some way.
Simpson, eh?
Um, can you repeat the part of the stuff where you said all about the… things. Uh… the things?
Doughnuts? I told you I don’t like ethnic food!
Here are your messages:
“You have 30 minutes to move your car”,
“You have 10 minutes”,
“Your car has been impounded”,
“Your car has been crushed into a cube”,
“You have 30 minutes to move your cube”.
[phone rings] Yello, Mr. Burns’ office.
Is it about my cube?
Is there something wrong, Homie?
Except… I killed Mr. Burns!
Stay back Homer, approach no further, coffee’s already made. I stomped the beans myself.
Uh, well, can I at least drive you home, Mr. Burns? It’s 5:00.
No! I thought, uh, I thought I’d chauffeur myself this evening. Yes, that’s what I thought. How difficult could it be? I’m sure the manual will indicate which lever is the velocitator and which the deceleratrix, hmm?
Ah, welcome back Smithers. Say, do you know Homer Simpson, he pitched in around the office while you were away. Bang-up job, Simpson, but I guess it’s back to your trusty post in sector 7-G.
You heard the man, Simpson.
Ah, and my dear dear Smithers. You’re no longer needed at all. You’re fired. Ta!
You shouldn’t have gone away in vacation.
Cheer up, Homie.
I just feel terrible about getting Mr. Smithers fired. That job was all he had. Imagine how you’d feel Marge if you got fired from the… those… things that… you do.
Quick Mom, whip up a cake before Dad fires ya!
Mrs. Burns is 122 years old, so try to sound more dessicated. And she doesn’t call her son “Mr. Burns”!
What did you get that for?
For knocking Mr. Burns out of a 3rd story window.
Makes sense to me.
Did he die?
What am I, a doctor?
One to go, no whammies no whammies no whammies
Its The Principal and the Pauper right?
Obv, its “Another Simpsons clip show”
“Is it about my cube?” is so funny
Inspired by Trump revealing he installed a Diet Coke button in the oval office
So I think my next pick is a top ten episode, but I had a hope it would fall here to round 4, and it did.
When I was young, I saw this episode and loved it, even though I had no frame of reference for either of its two main conceits at the time of my first watch. It also sprung within me a lifelong love of musicals.
New orleans.
Home of pirates
and whores.
New Orleans…
Tacky overpriced souvenier stores.
If you wanna go to hell, you should take a trip to the Sodom and Gomorra of the Mississip, New Orleans!
A Streetcar Named Marge is amazing in so many ways. I watched the episode again both after seeing A Streetcar Named Desire for the first time and after reading Atlas Shrugged. The layers are immense and insane. Blanche’s final line in the play is a heartbreaking look at a woman driven insane by a brutish, awful man who rapes her and mentally torments her. Feeling that she has been diminished to be nothing more than a physical plaything for the world, she states “Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.”
So what did the Simpsons do with it?
Why, they put together a jaunty tune about how a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met. Its biting, its hilarious, and its so damn catchy.
And Ned as Stanley… ohhhh boy, changing his anguised cries of STELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAA into a fucking musical tune… its so good. Just watch all the musical numbers.
And that’s essentially the C story in this episode, the A story being a Marge and Homer story with heart, paralleling their relationship with those that happen in the play.
The B story, of course, is a cross between Ayn Rand and The Great Escape?!?!?! Helping is Futile and A is A are on posters adorning the wall of a daycare for Maggie.
“Do you know what a baby is saying when she reaches for a bottle?”
“She is saying… I am a leech!”
Jon Lovitz as both Llewelyn Sinclair and his sister.
There is not a bad moment in this entire episode, and its an easy top ten of mine.
Ill have my second pick up in a bit, Im juggling three possible options.
Season 7, but damn, that’s another favorite.
“Smellin’ of Troy”
“I thought you said Troy McClure was dead!”
“No, I said he sleeps with the fishes. You see–”
“Tony, please, no, I just ate a whole plate of dingamagoo.”
“Streetcar” probably my favorite of the picks in this round (although a lot of great episodes were taken). Just a classic. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a musical number miss the point like “You Can Always Depend on the Kindness of Strangers.”
Surprised more season 4 episodes haven’t gone.
Man I forgot about the Maggie great escape scene/the birds parody. I can’t even imagine the youths trying to watch golden age Simpsons and missing 9/10 cultural references nowadays. Oh well.