Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

Side A: Wants to be able to use the c word because it’s part of their culture and/or “mah freedom!”
Side B: Is offended by the c word.

That’s literally it.

This is already been decided in a poll.

Now its side a wants a fresh start side b wants to ban jal



Sorry, I thought you made it clear that you were finding criticism of your actions tiresome and mentally taxing and wanted to step down. Which is probably a good idea in any case, as non-permanent terms as mod makes sense to me. But you were worried about not finding volunteers to fill your place. I think there will be plenty of people willing to volunteer, let the new mods worry about how they will deal with criticism of their moderation decisions.


Yep this is what i understood as well and i’m baffled as to what is going on.


Well I’m glad that poll solved the problem, brought unity to the site and we all lived happily ever after.

Not a referendum, just trying to assess the feelings of the people here:

Dealing with mod complaints
  • Mods should be empowered to ban complainers. Troll the mods at your own risk. Go ahead and find out how long you can keep whining.
  • We should establish a system for mod complaints rather than the ceaseless public complaints we have now.
  • I want to attack the mods when they have wronged me and my allies, and I want others to also.
  • Something else.

0 voters

Could we get a pole that isn’t so passive aggressive?


That’s dumb. a poll closed yesterday. The word is censored. People are tired. There is some bad blood between a couple of mods and a group of users. People volunteered to mod.

And for some reason this still doesn’t please the winning side.

So please explain to me how this hasn’t officially become:

Side A - this shit has been going on for too long. C-word censored now. Lets try again.

Side B - bAn jAl or we all die

Should we have a pole that is less passive aggressive?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


What is the minimum time between poles? Because there was already a pole on the word and it was decided it wouldn’t be moderated. Do the pro people need to wait a couple of days to start a new pole or can they just do it now?

Every single person stepping into the thread and reflexively supporting the mods with having no understanding of the actual details of the situation while distilling it down to supporters of using the C-word versus critics of it, is not helping at all.


The two halves of your post contradict though. If this was one week into this issue, I’d be 100% with you. This has gone on for what, 3 months now?

I voted establish a system, but I also agree with the first option as well.

This isn’t quite right.

Side A considers it a personal slight that anyone would consider their use of the c-word sexist, and they feel singled out for that one term.

What is the minimum time between poles?
  • 1 hour
  • 5 hours
  • 12 hours
  • 1 day
  • 5 days
  • 1 Scaramucci
  • 12 days
  • 15 days
  • 18 days
  • 100 days
  • 3 years

0 voters

There was no decision to censor the word until yesterday afaik, so if there was an issue on the subject, it’s clear that the pro censorship people were overstepping their boundaries.

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If you guys need someone to execute bans who doesnt give a damn if he is called biased or an asshole or whatever, I’m your man. If anyone asks why I take such action, the answer is simply “because it needed to be done.”


More like 8 months from my perspective. The original feud between jal and a few others and cuse is that old. This is all literally a continuation of that.

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Are you mfs trying to short-squeeze Hollywood Video? They went out of business like a decade ago.