Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

It wasn’t dismissed. It was tried for quite a while. The word was not limited to uk-centric threads. In fact, it was used more frequently outside of those threads.

No, and you’re making a pretty lame slippery slope argument here for never banning anyone under any circumstance.


The issue is that if the new mods take action against interpersonal drama, then they become the targets of the drama, and the mods have no recourse.

2+2, but why does it matter? I’ve also been tempbanned by microbet, who is clearly on the other “side” of this issue, and I didn’t start a 100 post whine fest about it and demand the he be demodded.

Is he engaging in mod abuse, mod trolling, or bad faith arguments about moderation? Is he being a relentlessly abusive complainer? I don’t think anybody would say so, at least not yet.

I’m not talking about a snap ban for anybody questioning a moderation decision. I’m talking about anybody who absolutely refuses to self-moderate after a long series of escalating temp-bans and warnings.

The only reason the whole forum might die is if everyone keeps insisting the whole forum is dying.
It looks pretty fine to me.

There is one recurring issue that needs to be settled and it appears like a handful of people are claiming it can only be settled by banning numerous users and most others are like ‘probably doesnt sound right but i also dont care enough im just here for stonks’, which makes sense.


He’s openly posted similar feelings for a while in the moderator threads as the problem gets worse, the feuds continue and people quit and others threaten to do so.

Hardly. I’m compelled to be pretty nice as a mod, but imo you stir up trouble as much as anyone on the site.


People who accepted the results of the poll and people who didn’t.

Grunching this whole thread, but I’m surprised to learn that this is an issue. I guess this means the mods are doing a good job. I’m fine with giving them whatever discretion to ban people.


If I didn’t know that it would lead to this shit spilling all over the forum I’d suggest shutting About Unstuck down for a couple of days to try to let people calm down.

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We just went a month where a very high percentage of, if not the majority of total posts were about moderation discussions or how appropriate the c word is. This is while several of our high volume posters quit or said they would post less because of this.

That is not a healthy forum.


But this isn’t really accurate either. Plenty of people who get a 6 hour (lol 6 hours!) timeout, don’t start a 100 post whine thread about it. Because they’re mature adults and it’s not a huge deal. Fuck, I can’t even remember how many times I banned Keeeed back on 2+2 and I don’ tthink he ever complained.


And for some reason you don’t realize it looks bad on the people who made this non-issue a huge thing


Let the mods worry about that.


It’s going well because almost all the fighting is in moderation threads or the cword threads. Everyone who is staying out of those threads is probably happily oblivious.


What is that even supposed to mean? This is the mods worrying about that, right now. If you want to just empower the mods to ban their own critics at their discretion, I’ll make a note that you’re on that side here.

I think we disagree on who made this a huge issue. I think it is very, very obvious!

Anyway, gotta go. Just saying that I’m not ignoring any responses here, just away from the internet.

This thread has been illustrating to easily group this forum into two kinds of posters:

  1. People who just read the threads they have interest in
  2. People who read nearly every post on this site and try to catch/keep up with all the mega threads.