Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

Yeah, just so that we’re clear on the timeline here:

  1. A bunch of trolls get banned for trolling;
  2. Those trolls then start trolling the mods who banned them;
  3. Solution: Fire the mods and get new mods?


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I will volunteer to be Supreme Court chief Justice for life


Then I don’t even know what you’re mad about.

If he spends the next month on a non-stop whine campaign, then yes.

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Have you seen what happens?

People who don’t agree with a ban will complain. If you won’t complain when one of your friends is banned and you disagree with it and take it in stride you are an exception.

Most of this is people wanting people they don’t like banned. If the bans go the wrong way in their opinion many of them will freak the fuck out.




I mean the simple solution is for people here to act like fucking adults and stop these meaningless petty squabbles but it seems like for some that ship has sailed.


This is the same argument conservatives make on Twitter when Trump or Alex Jones gets booted. The people I like discussing with on here don’t have months long feuds that make posters leave and threaten the mental health of others!

The shoe won’t be on the other foot. Its a ridiculous argument.


Complaining about a 12 hour ban should be an instant 24 hour ban.


With all due respect, that’s bullshit.

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If we (I) are continuing the Roman Republic analogy (and we should), I believe this would make you Pontifex Maximus, who served for life and whose duties included “the regulation of the public morals, and fining and punishing offending parties.”


You would be banned under this standard imo.

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And this x1000. There’s maybe a dozen posters personally involved in this fight (not even that?). The rest of us just want it to stop.


With all due respect, you would be banned too under your desired system.


I’m mad because some mods didn’t like the results of the vote, and one of them decided to threaten to ban users for using it in a manner consistent with what had already been decided by the community. When that (for obvious reasons) flared up into a big argument, with mods giving as good as they got as far as insults go, temp bans started being given to only one side of the argument.

I think the mods need to take a step back and try to look at this situation with an unbiased viewpoint and possibly admit that they played a major role in stoking this most recent flare up. Otherwise a bunch of users from one side or the other are probably going to end up leaving or getting banned.

And now we have people jumping in and reflexively defending the mods while having no idea about the actual details of what has transpired.


Are you confusing me with someone else? I haven’t been involved in the feuds here beyond to tell the mods that if they didn’t change course it was going to get worse.

I’m now here to tell you I was right.

This is some “Trump got banned so AOC should be too” fan fic.

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What are the “sides” lmao. What is even going on here? This is highly distracting from STONKS.


Take a look at how well commonWealth took it when micro banned him for 6 hours after he liked the post where micro warned he was going to start handing out bans.


If this whole forum is going to die over the use of the word ■■■■■■ then we probably deserve it tbh.