Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

I mean, she made a correct post with an angry tone. If she had just banned Jal 2 months prior like that would have happened on 99% of forums I’ve ever been on, it wouldn’t have come to that and we wouldn’t have lost good posters since.

A bunch. At least 10 I’d say.

I have an idea.

Posters may not publicly complain about their own bans or other mod action taken against them, or about the lack of action when they are an interested party. If you feel that an action or inaction was particularly egregious, you may try to convince a disinterested poster to talk to a disinterested mod, who can then talk to the mod in question. All of this communication occurs via PM, and if any of the disinterested parties cannot be convinced to go to bat for you, the issue dies.


No she didn’t. She threatened bans for posting something that the community voted should not be moderated. And then in the fallout lots of nasty posting happened, but shockingly only people on one side of the argument where temp banned and moderated in other ways.

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I really don’t think I would mind.

Eta: unless that’s your way of saying you would ban me? But I would survive.

The topic and discussions about it have become so toxic they invade other parts of the forum. I’m cool with your disagreement, but I 100% am for zero tolerance of this nonsense continuing.

Surprised you think its that many. I generally haven’t been a fan of how you’ve moderated this place, but you’re trying in good faith and nothing has been egregiously bad or dumb so I haven’t had a reason to complain.

Again, we are a small community. We want to grow, but a place like this is hard to attract new users. Its really bad to lose several high volume users. Now, if the majority of volume is about petty feuds and swearing, this hits both problems.

I just dont get why people don’t have a big problem on this small site with driving posters we like away, to appease those whose conduct we have been in debating for months.


I found the c-word discussion highly offensive to non-Americans. The fact that a solution to keep the word only in uk-centric threads was dismissed and further action required feels very wrong to me.
And to be honest, i consider Wookie’s post itt that everyone who voted no are condescending to woman a personal insult.

I can still like him a lot as a user and appreciate his willingness to mod for this long. I think that if such a good poster made such a bad post followed by a thread where he described his mental struggles with the position, how are we even discussing not rotating the position to other volunteers


We need a separate judicial branch


if we put more effort into growing, losing posters wouldn’t be as catastrophic, as there would be new ones to come in and replace them

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Those posts by Sky are what precipitated the nonsense invading other parts of the forum, resulting in a bunch of new threads, including this one. It had died down for a month, and when it flared back up it was confined to that one thread, at least for a day or two. (At least as far as what I noticed.)


Would it surprise you to learn that I’ve been banned by Wookie several times during his mod history?

How are Gg and zic quitting? Aren’t they the owners of the site? Whose name is on the hosting contract? What is going on with the donations?

Yeah, none of that that has anything to do with the modding. If you want to rotate mods always have an even number so the rest can vote to remove one early if they abuse their power.

The biggest problem we have is that people complaining about things keep on complaining about things. Set limits and enforce them. If someone keeps complaining about something ask them to stop, if they keep complaining about it start deleting their posts. If they still keep complaining about it give them a vacation.

We need to stop thinking we can get people to behave by being nice to them.

To do this we’re going to need some clear cut rules. We have shown we are incapable of voting on our own rules so we need someone to step up and say “these are the rules.” If jmakin is the admin let it be him. We’ve effectively been operating in a vacuum and until we change things we’re just going to continue burning out the people who care enough about this place to make it better.


Four or five including risky flush, who as far as I can tell doesn’t mod the main forum at all. I think three mods over the politics forums would be ideal if everyone’s pretty active, otherwise four would be better.

You’re fired up because you can’t type the C-word without it being bleeped. Furthermore this issue is threatening to run off some of our mods and possibly kill the forum.

Just stop and think about that for a little while.


On UP or on 2+2?

One thing I have learned in these mod threads is just not going to the C-word thread saves me from all of this nonsense. I haven’t seen any of it since the cuse/jal blowout and now I know why.


I don’t hate this idea, either. Something like mods who don’t mod except to field complaints about moderation? If people found this more tenable than my proposal, and we found people who liked saying “lol, no” over and over, I could live with it.

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Jbro is complaining about mods. Do you think he should be perma’d?


I’ve consistently voted to fully moderate any use of the C-word. (With the only no vote being Clovis’ messed up poll, for other reasons.)