Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

I think that people expressing their opinions in a manner that is disrespectful to the mods is bad regardless of whether the person is willing to be a mod.

I think that willingness to do a job is irrelevant to whether someone should be “allowed” to have an opinion on the way a job is done. Is everyone in this forum willing to be a politician or a police officer?

Not everybody agrees with your assessment. Maybe we can do a poll and if some people don’t get the results they want they can keep doing more polls until they do.


No one is being chased out? Wookie doesn’t want to be a mod any more? Understandable. He doesn’t have to be. In fact, it would probably be best if no mod was expected to stay on indefinitely, and to have finite terms for mods.


Man, I’m completely ignorant of all the drama that’s going on that’s causing this. Wtf? Wookie is an awesome moderator and seems like a genuinely decent human and he has donated so much time to helping maintain this forum, it would be a travesty to let him get run off. I don’t think I have much to add to this discussion. I will say, generally, I have no tolerance for people who are abusive to mods, but on the other hand, I don’t really support banning people, even the people that I do not like.


Cool that we have had now closer to a dozen of higher volume posters literally tell you what their problem is and that they might leave or quit over it and people like you can gaslight us and say “that’s not the issue.”

Why do this? If it was just one or two people that did this, and people like Cuse I’d get it. I liked Cuse, but they were overly dramatic. People who have been on here/2p2 for closer to 20 years with no history of forum drama are threatening to leave over this. Can’t you see this? Why do you want this site to die?

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Just replacing us is a temporary solution. Without assurances that the community is going to treat the new mods better, it’s inevitable that they get caught up in the abuse when trying to stamp out the next blood feud.


He and several other mods are thinking of leaving because of a never ending heckler’s veto. I’m not okay with rewarding that behavior.


It’s actually a perfectly reasonable standard. It’s a shitty job. I don’t want to do it. But I see the need for it. Therefore I don’t bitch about the mods.


You are arguing that either jal gets banned or the place is fucked.
Others disagree that this is a forgone conclusion.


Do you apply this standard to all jobs?

If a mod decided to IP ban you for using the word “bitch” in your previous post, would you still feel the same way?

Mods, like everyone, should be treated with respect.

I said such 2 months ago.

I wonder if bending over backwards to appease him the last two months has made this place better, or have we lost multiple good posters and have had half a dozen more threaten to quit over it, while having thousands of posts about the c word?

Why are we acting like we’re at the beginning of a problem? This site is at its Jan 6 moment. Its barely holding on, and actions should have been taken months ago.

More people need to learn to use the ignore function for other posters that trigger them imo. Constantly arguing with your nemesis or stalker is like getting into a fight with randos on twitter or the youtube comment section - absolutely useless.


I also wanted to add that we should always have 2 admin positions. I don’t think ggoreo is stepping down, but if he is, I would like that settled pretty quickly.

As for me there’s little chance I’m going anywhere in the next year or so. There’s enough little improvements and problems to solve and things to learn about with discourse software that could keep me busy for a while, and the day to day stuff is very easy so it’s not a huge time demand. Even if I just disappeared, which isn’t gonna happen, this place could probably stay up for as long as the disk space held out, which seems to me like it could be a year or more. So from a technical standpoint we are pretty good.

What I really don’t ever want to be in a position to do though is where there is some mod run amuck or some extreme scenario like that and I have to pull the trigger on demodding, especially if I’m the only person that has this ability. That’s why I think as a failsafe we should always have 2 admins.

I think ~5 mods is a good number too and we shouldn’t go much above or below that.


You and Aofrantic wouldn’t like it if every mod just perma’d every poster they thought were habitually abusive and caused problems.


The idea that existing mods who are doing a good job should be summarily replaced against their will to appease a tiny disgruntled faction of grievance-pedders is comical.

Mod abuse, mod trolling, bad faith arguments about moderation should be instantly banned. I’m 100% confident that current moderators are perfectly willing to engage with good-faith discussion and criticism about moderation and how to improve everybody’s experience. Relentlessly abusive complainers should GTFO, whether voluntarily or not.

Edit: Sorry this rage-post was inadvertently replying to meb whom I was agreeing with


Is this appropriate moderating considering that community voted to not moderate the word in the way it was used by jal? Might these posts have thrown a lot of gasoline on the flames?


How many people do you think this is?


This isn’t a job. They’re volunteering. This site is free.

Well plenty of us disagree with you. I mean, we shouldn’t have a poll if some of the mods can just dismiss it when they don’t like the results.

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