Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

No thanks. But I’ll second Keeed and Chad.


This is a terrible argument.


I would support keed and pocketchads, if not to just get some blood in there that may appease people complaining about moderating. But we really need some clear direction here.

There are going to be people unhappy with moderation decisions no matter what tbh. To those that don’t like the current moderation, what do you want to see? Rotation? Put up some names

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please unlock exiledpolitics on your way out


So people actually think just changing mods but not addressing the actual issues is a good idea? Why would anyone think this?

This is maybe the worst solution, short of a filter that changes every word to the c word.


I’m not super comfy with appeasement as a rationale for new mods.


No thank you.


Fuck the voting. Just do what you guys feel you need to do. Simple.


Because people disagree on what the actual issues are and/or what is the best way to solve the current situation that causes people to be frustrated.

I get that some people just want to clusterban. Others want to try different means of action.

What is wrong with changing admittedly very fatigued mods with two new ones?

“Let’s get new mods, then tell everyone to please be really nice to each other.”

Man, I wish the current mods thought of that months ago before we lost valuable posters to the dumbest internet fight I’ve ever been involved in.


yea, you’re probably right. I dunno what solution there is other than banning persistent complainers or just letting mods step down and quit.

All the mods, imo, have done good with what they have. I’m not trying to be a bootlicker, and have certainly had my tussles even in the last week with moderation decisions, but I think losing mods over a few people making them miserable is pretty stupid. Especially when it’s such a shit job. I don’t think replacing them is as easy as it seems.

Mods: we want to ban people and police speech but the community consistently votes against such things



That’s fine, but requiring that someone wants to be a mod in order for them to express an opinion on moderation is a ridiculous standard.


Can’t put mods on ignore. And some of the mods are very much in the middle of current grudge matches. Just my opinion, but a few of the mods are the primary driver of this most recent blow up. (Them and whoever bumped that thread again after it was resolved.)


My personal opinion is all of the mods here have done a great job btw. I would assume the majority of us feel that way also. You are appreciated.


We’re setting up a pretty ugly precedent that Jal can get whatever he wants if he’s willing to troll the forum endlessly for weeks on end. First cuse gets run out, now Wookie is getting chased out, how many more members are we willing to throw under the bus?


Nailed it.

I spend 4 hours per day on here and don’t know what this current feud is about. Either ban the people who bitch about everything or ignore them.


If the current situation was caused by mods being bad at their duties, I would be 100% for changing them. If new mods had ideas for fixing the issues that the current ones had not thought of or would not try, I would also support it. Neither is true.

About 2 months ago in the moderation thread I posted this community was at risk of dying because of the actions of certain posters. Since then, we’ve lost more high volume posters and we’re on the precipice. This place is about to die, and if not for GME, the majority of discussion in January would have been about petty feuds and the c word.

I genuinely don’t get why certain people have no remorse over making others on this site leave, and others have a worse mental state. Some real introspection could be had by this group, but its also about 3 months too late.

If we get new mods and Jal doesn’t post a long ass apology, this place is an absolute joke. Like, this is getting to twitter bending over for Trump levels of stupid.


Now not being a mod for eternity is being chased out?
He admitted he’s tired. People stepped up. That’s the way the process is suppose to work.

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