Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

He’s mostly sharing his opinions, defending his opinions, and arguing with people. Same as I am.

Top posters in the thread where I apparently took all the air out of the room with my pathological posting:

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Ultimate Werewolf

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Fishing for compliments? I think you’re funny.

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You’re going to have a hard time finding a post of mine defending Wookie. He helped start this mess by giving an 8 option poll (lol fucking polls omg this is too stupid for words) on whether we should moderate that damned word. Yes wookie has talked too damn much in these threads. He has also been attacked relentlessly, but it would be nice if he would take a break as well.

A thin plurality of edge lords (1) who hate any type of modding won a thin plurality in Wookies ridiculous poll and you have treated it like a commandment from God. When Skydiver came in and said hell no we ain’t doing this again it’s like she attacked your new found religion. The poll was stupid, the results were ridiculous, and no I don’t give a damn what mandate you think it gave.

(1) Yeah I get the cultural differences and I don’t think UK and Aussie posters are being jerks just to be jerks. So I don’t include them in this.


I think no one has been banned for more than like 12 hours in all of this and there have only been a handful of those bans and that has supposedly kept the threads you care about clear of fighting, but now you think people need to be nuked (perma’d?) in order to maintain the status quo you enjoyed until you came into this thread?


It was a reference to a different goofy’s post, but thanks.

Do you think the owners of a site have a right to review the actions of the mods?

And banning people, temp or otherwise, is not a magic solution to quell fighting. It’s often going to create fighting. Everyone loves to say “tough, ban the complainers” until someone they like gets banned.

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If it’s not, then who owns the site?

Agree with fixing underlying problems. Goofy has resigned and will be replaced by PC I think. That’s a lot of replacing for the day/week/couple weeks. This will get worse if too much goes too fast.

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I feel like the mods already have these powers. It’s a little difficult to mod attacks on mods and not look biased, but at least one of the recent bans was for an attack on a mod.

What if there’s a big ugly argument between posters who aren’t shitty?


I said in another post somewhere that I believe 100% the community owns the site since the community is the one footing the bill right now.


tenor (17)


So, um, what’s on the watch party schedule?


Saw that. Sorry for the grunch there.

Btw, my jimmies have been a little rustled at times here and I’ve said a couple things that might have made your jimmies rustle a little, but honestly I think you’ve done a great job and am very stoked you are admin. You’ve been very professional. I love that you made a separate account for admin and posting.


Haha thanks but I don’t know why you always think there is some tension between us, we go way back to OOT. There are only a handful of us OOT mains in here. And this goes for all the other OOT exiles too, that should go without saying. That’s not for nothing. Plus you are one of an esteemed group of a dozen or so people that have met me irl.


:shrug: Just take it as me being old and never being fully confident about people’s emotions online.

nah, I don’t think it’s you, it’s weird though you’re like the third person from here to tell me in a week’s time that has mentioned something similar. Maybe I need to do some self reflection

I figure they both are to blame, and if one or the other is banned they cant really complain even if the other isnt.

Like. This is a shared space. Multiple people tell someone that their long ugly derails are ruining the site and they dont change, then a plague on both their houses.

maybe! if it’s really a choice between the people keeping me blissfully unaware and the barbarians, yes.