Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

Lol wat of course there’s a community here

like, the idea that “hey you haven’t noticed, therefore they aren’t a problem” is pretty fucking naive, especially for someone who has been soaking in this forum for the last umpteen years.

To be fair, more than a few people have been perma’d in the long history of this community.

None of the people involved in these arguments has been. Maybe two people who have had more than 50 posts here have been. (inso and npc?) Other than that it’s only been spammers and obvious trolls banned within a few posts. I think. (not counting self-bans)

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It’s never going to be everyone likes everyone else, but there are plenty of friendships here. And there are lots of threads completely removed from arguing about the site or each other.


Eh? Community doesn’t imply or require homogeneity.


This is plainly untrue and insulting.

chez ran a 2+2 forum that was a safe haven for racists like Toothsayer, bundy, wil and juan which I and a very small number of others here now (@6ix notably) tried to oppose on a daily basis until it thankfully all blew up in chez’s face.

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re: health of the site.

There are many reports to look at, but what I find most interesting is our DAU, or daily active users. They definitely took a big dip the last few days (like 20-30%). I can post the graph if anyone is interested. The only reason I’m not here is because I gotta go log in to admin account and then save the image and copy it back into this post and I’m feeling lazy.

However, our # of unique visits stayed pretty constant with what has been the norm around here. Which tells me people are reading this stuff but just don’t want to participate (even to like a post).

I found one metric very interesting: DAU/MAU, which is a ratio of daily active users to monthly active users. It says it’s a metric of “community stickiness” and to shoot for at least 30%. Ours is at 70-80% very consistently, which means people are sticking around.

I find this stuff very interesting, but if no one else does, or they don’t want me to report it, feel free to tell me to stfu and I’ll just keep it to the admin log.


How many users make a post on this forum at least once a week? Just curious to know how big this community actually is.

We have consistently 200-250 people liking or posting once per day. Not sure if I can filter by week but I can probably just take the average and say about ~200.

In the last few days this metric dropped off a lot.

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I zoomed out the data a bit and looked at how many DAU we had from January 2020 to Jan 2021. We went from 98 DAU on Jan 1st, 2020 to what we have now (and about 100-120ish on other days from last january). We’ve nearly doubled our active users in a year. That’s really good especially when we’re not even trying to grow.

The dip I noticed was not quite as severe as I first reported, the graph was a little deceptive and I eyeballed it. We went from the 220’s down to 197/189 on the 30th/31st. But this dip could just be an anomaly, because there are other periods in which we dip below 200 DAU. But looking at this, it doesn’t seem to be happening really that much. In fact we seem to have grown after the election finished.

The site seems pretty healthy to me, going by the numbers.

ETA: To clarify, 1 DAU = Daily Active/Engaged User = at least 1 post or like per day


Who has the highest (posts read)/(posts created) and can we draft them to mod the drama threads?


I don’t even need to look to tell you it’s notbruceZ

Eta: I’m only disclosing this without actually checking, and I feel comfortable doing so because he has talked about his extremely high read time and how much time he spends on the site. It’s actually truly impressive. Other than that I know people don’t want their stats just divulged carelessly by me so I’m just saying I’m not doing that here

We asked who it was, not who it isnt


I would have actually bet riverman.

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I mean yea that’d be a good bet. I won’t post about that though because people don’t seem to really feel comfortable with me doing that stuff, or being called out by stats only me and the other admins can see. I already made that mistake in the fun poster thread when I called out l… and i…ns.o.

But this stuff is publicly available and pretty easy to use their API, if you know your way around the command line.

Yea, definitely not something to just throw out there. Just make a DramaAdmin account and PM them the password. What could go wrong?

I’m not going to ask for that role, but I would try if drafted. I wouldn’t commit to doing it beyond the return of live poker, though.

I honestly think you’d be perfect.

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Where do I rank in terms of posts/read time?