Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

I most likely wouldn’t have called people bootlickers. However, there were people entering the thread saying to the effect…[paraphrase] “I haven’t been following this, but I’m on X side.” They of course are free to share and post their opinion. If I, or anyone, rolls into a thread that was discussing a topic that they hadn’t followed, then stated for the record that they hadn’t, and dropped their take, I wouldn’t expect anyone(especially someone who had been following the conversations) to refrain from responding to me.


Not having followed some ugly forum drama and also generally supporting the mods is an entirely reasonable, even desirable position. No one arguing against the mods has even done them the courtesy of writing up a quick summary of our heinous abuses to garner support.

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Many people here are very familiar with Wookie and Goofy as posters and mods for many years (more than ten I think). So Bayesian reasoning (DUCY) suggests that they are still good posters and mods here.


Can we not have an endless supply of new topics in “About Unstuck”?

Having 4 of the most bumped threads site-wide be about moderation is not a good look at all. It’s probably more damaging to the forum than whatever the hell people were arguing about initially.


I haven’t waded into this argument because I didn’t really want to take sides against posters I like. That may be a bit lame but I am generally a fairly peaceful sort of person. I also think that I possibly would end up doing something I would regret when modding so don’t really want to come down too hard on mods . Having said all that I do agree with most of what jbro has stated and I don’t think he’s been aggressive or a troublemaker in anyway. I think the reason for the volume of his posts is frustration that smart and thoughtful people seem to be unable to reflect on their behaviour and even give an inch.

I don’t really want to get caught up in the drama and this will probably be my one post on the matter. I hope people will not take this personally as it doesn’t stop me from liking and respecting those that I disagree with on this matter.


Same here and I swear I have maybe the opposite of bias here. I like Wookie, goofy and skydiver a whole lot more than the people arguing the other side (i don’t have anything against the others, i just never interacted with anyone other than maybe Jal).

I think it all boils down to the fact that a large (fairly strong) group have already decided that one side is to blame for all of this and therefore everything is looked on from that perspective. I don’t really see how this end up with anything but some people getting banned and the rest okay with it because no one cares enough.


Some general thoughts: I only intermittently follow the admin discussions and often don’t know the specifics of the particular conflicts, but: I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again-- you have to have proactive modding on a forum you want to be a community and you have to be willing to nip bad actors in the bud immediately. Otherwise they’ll push a little more, and a little more, and basically be the poster equivalent of a child doing the “I’m not touching you” game. I mean, there are some posters here I know almost entirely as people who practically nonstop complain about the mods and couldn’t tell you anything else they posted.

I’ve always believed having good, trustworthy mods we can count on to use their discretion is better than firm rules. Wreckers will always find a way to technically color within the lines. If the mods need more discretion to choose who’s a bad actor and ban them, I’m for it. I don’t have a lot invested in this place, but I don’t want it to fall apart, ether, and my decades of experience with forums says that this is the way to do it.




sorry, i’m not mad at anybody, i just hit my i-feel-like-i’m-taking-crazy-pills threshold


A single megathread would be so demanding that it would destroy the server so violently that an EMP would result destroying the internet forever.


i mean, i was literally about to post that @anon10387340 has posted for like 37 years on the forums and was a good bro to all but now he’s a total piece of shit ass shit troll, apparently

p.s. and i don’t think he even particularly likes me, so this isn’t some clique shit


To be honest, I really only know him from posting here and he hasn’t really done anything to make him stand out in my mind until the C-word wars.

It’s like how I really don’t have any idea what the difference is between jalfrezi and chezlaw.

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now those are some fighting words if i’ve ever seen any

The main difference is that chez spent years shitposting until he got Wookie demodded, whereas it took jal only a month or so.


To be clear, I remember chezlaw being annoying in the before times but jalfrezi failed to make an impression on me until this c-word controversy popped up. I would recognize the name, but I would be unable to say anything about what he posts, other than to remember that he seemed to rub a lot of people the wrong way. I don’t really have any idea what he’s like when he’s not complaining about moderation.

You’ve been slacking. Usually you save me the ‘but none of this makes any sense’ posting.

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In case he needed a vouch from somebody not in BritCrew4Lyfe, somebody who made it a life goal to never learn the rules of cricket, I did post this:

Grunching, so, I reallly like Cuse but, uh, me and Jalfrezi go back and there’s nothing anyone can say or do that’ll make me get on this anti-jal bandwagon. So, I dunno.

That said, it’d be uncouth of me to weight in more with that level of bias, so my hands are kinda tied.

I mean I put Jal on ignore a long time ago and have been way happier since idk why others haven’t learned to experience similar bliss but yall do you

BTW - Assuming I searched properly, does it surprise you that wookie has roughly the same number of posts as me today, sprinkled roughly through the same threads? (And mostly arguing positions, not doing modding duties.) And he has many more posts than me in the major thread leading up to this. Does he also have a pathological obsession he should work out offline? Or is your judgement of me perhaps clouded by the fact that you disagree with me and agree with him?