Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

Here are some things we can all do well to keep in mind.

This is a very lightly modded forum.

To my knowledge the most severe mod action against long time posters is a 3 day ban. Only a few really problematic posters have been perma banned.

Modding is a volunteer job.

Nobody has yet made an empirical case of any mod bias.

Mountains of social science research demonstrates that a community of this size cannot function without some structure and rules.

In the end, this is a forum for fun chat among likeminded people. Try to be empathetic to your fellow posters. We are suppose to be the side that is good at understanding others and their views.

Please remember you donā€™t have to win every exchange. If you see the ā€œyou have replied to x a few times. Let others have a chanceā€ message more than once a month you should really try to self moderate.


Weā€™ve had some permanent bans. RAIDS and Inso and like a couple others.

Right my bad.

No worries.

Whatā€™s wrong with my proposal?

The fact that itā€™s just about the most miserable full time job I could imagine ā€“ fielding ceaseless bickering and quibbling over literally everything ā€“ for a thankless volunteer role.

Can you cite where a mod is calling for a perma?

Oh, I donā€™t envision that mods would endlessly field bickering. They would document and explain their decisions. People could discuss it in the moderation thread, mods might further defend their decisions or they might not. If enough people found a decision (or lack of a decision) to be onerous, they could vote on overriding it.

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OK, sounds greā€¦

WTF yes you are.

I think you and a good chunk of people are recognizing why Mason became Mason wrt 2p2 forums

Imagine having that thankless role as a part of your full-time job that you canā€™t walk away from.


I guess I donā€™t see the problem if people want to discuss moderation decisions in the moderation thread, and vote to overturn decisions they find particularly onerous. I think that would be pretty rare.

Didnā€™t Mason essentially walk away from the job?

Did you mean to reply to me?

A lie.

A lie.

A lie.

Thanks for stopping in, Victor.


I woke up in a good mood this morning, determined to be productive. And this thread somehow ruined my day.

Stop harassing the mods and just take your punishment. And ffs stop arguing for the sake of arguing.

Wife: ā€œHoney what happened to that politics site you used to like?ā€

Dumbass: ā€œIn order to save the site, we had to kill it. They wouldnā€™t let us use the C-word. There was a poll. Itā€™s the principle.ā€


Ok, I understand what youā€™re saying. I dispute that Iā€™ve been following anybody around. But Iā€™ve been posting too frequently in the various threads dedicated to this clusterfuck. Probably because Iā€™ve been mostly quarantined to a single room for the better part of a week. So Iā€™ll chill for a while. But I can assure you that I have not been trolling and my opinions are sincere.


Different mods, which will bring a clean slate without baggage. A commitment to documenting moderation decisions. Welcoming feedback and criticism, encouraging people to discuss disagreements they have with moderation decisions, and encouraging people to hold votes on those disagreements. Because those ad hoc referendums will help shape the rule set that the community comes to agree on.


Iā€™ve read every post in the multiple c-word and moderation threads over the past few months, and Iā€™m in 95+% agreement with @anon10387340ā€™s posts on those topics over the past two weeks ITT and the others.

Hopefully, since people are claiming that the volume of his posting is somehow a negative indicator of his sincerity and/or credibility on the topics at hand, the fact that Iā€™ve posted only a handful of times and yet I agree with him, should carry lots of weight. Right? Thatā€™s how it works, right?


Thatā€™s only a small part of my plan, the transparency, documentation, and openness to criticism are more important.

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My interpretation is that the vast majority appear to be either content with things or have issues that arenā€™t huge enough to turn them away from here.

A few active posters here are complaining and basically ruining the atmosphere of the forums for everyone else. Whether their arguments are in good faith or arguing just to be an asshole is unknown.

I mean the decision to fix the above is pretty obvious here. Give me the power and Iā€™ll make it if all of you canā€™t handle the criticism of being a mod. Hell, Iā€™ll take joy in ignoring your pleas for sanity!

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