Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

It seems important to Wookie that the idiots don’t get to win. Continuing to be a mod just happens to be a way for Wookie to work against that.

Whatever the rules are, we have to adhere to them and put our trust into people that they will be enforced. if you disagree, you disagree. Mods aren’t supposed to be liked by everyone.

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win what? An unpaid job he says he hates?

I think of these in-line polls as more of straw polls that shouldn’t be considered binding. A binding poll should have some level of debate about the wording before it is put up for the community.


Then talk to Z and GG or whoever it is and get them to do it. They bent over backwards to avoid the appearance of being owners last time because of what happened at 22 and not wanting those comparisons. I don’t think that’s a big deal anymore and they’ve shown the won’t abuse that position. I don’t think there is a way forward with our current system so we may as well try something new that may excite people rather than the status quo that will just continue disappointing people.

Here you go, again.

What did you think of my idea of the new mods documenting all the moderation decisions, being open to discussion and override from the community, and coming up with a heuristically generated rule set through a feedback loop of action, documentation and discussion?

He really really really wants to continue being a mod. And this thread was his way to get a bunch of people completely unaware of the actual details of what happened to get on his side. (I know this post is insulting, but no more insulting than wookie accusing you of acting in bad faith due to a personal beef. I mean it’s actually less insulting because it’s true, but in a world of alternate facts I’ll understand that some people might find the posts equally insulting.)


If there were a way to not just resign, but super-resign, I’d do that if your proposal was implemented.

Commonwealth really had it right. His troll game is fucking A+. Meanwhile, he accomplished his goal. He got one of the mods he was targeting to step down.

Ok, so again, what is stopping him from stepping down or rotating out for a while? Does he think the site will not survive without him modding? I mean, I don’t get it.

I’ve been honest and objective to the best of my knowledge and ability. And I’ve actually read all of the posts and followed the situation closely – unlike a bunch of the mod bootlickers coming into the thread, admitting they have no clue what happened because they didn’t read any of the posts, but siding with the mods and calling for bans. That’s a great show.

My honest and objective opinion is you’ve been trolling the mods ever since you decided there is a “problem”. :man_shrugging: Guess we will never know for sure.


Yeah after like 17 years of participating on 2+2 and this site I suddenly decided to become a troll. No, what actually happened is I disagreed with team mod and they are now busy smearing me.


Maybe I’m wrong, but I think that, yes, Wookie believes the site won’t survive, or at least will be severely diminished, without being modded by him or someone with a similar mindset.

I don’t think that Wookie is biased against specific posters. I think he is biased against posters who are dumb and posters who cross a line into what he considers morally impermissible behavior.

Wow, I posted a lot in this thread. I must be a bad faith troll, and very very dumb and lacking morality.


I would like you to name names for who you consider to be “mod bootlickers coming into the thread, admitting they have no clue what happened because they didn’t read any of the posts, but siding with the mods and calling for bans” and cite posts as examples. Also, in what way have you been smeared?

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Fuck that. I’ve been watching this too. You’ve been following the mods around responding to anything they say or do since this blew back up. Literally hundreds of posts across multiple threads. I’ll take your word that you earnestly believe in it. I guess that means your not trolling? Fine then, you have a pathological obsession and you need to take this shit offline and work it out for yourself.


The more you post and post and post some more, it becomes more obvious why most people wouldn’t want to deal with you.

After explaining yourself for the 100th time, at some point can your posting be considered trolling? At what point will you give it a rest?


@anon10387340. I like you man but please just step back from this thread for a bit. Your view is well established. We know your position.

You are only making all this worse with the constant fighting mods. Please just take a break and let a few other voices be heard.



No, I don’t think I’m that special. I don’t think this site will survive if any mod who takes action on inevitable forum drama accidentally signs up for a ceaseless harassment campaign by the party against whom action was taken and their allies.

Look at what happened to goofy. He took a stand in the feud, and in short order he takes enough badgering to just quit after having served as a mod here and elsewhere for years.

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