Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

20%. 40%. It’s likely to be decided by a minority of posters. It doesn’t really affect the majority of users of this forum.

I’d argue that the majority of posters believe you should be bound by what the 20% of squeaky fucks want.

I volunteered to coordinate this above.

So, the pulse of the community seems to be much more on empowering mods to ban ceaseless complainers than on a formalized system for complaints. I’m fine with that, and I think we can vote on a rule.

Keed’s poll, while obviously botched, does show considerable appetite for 6 month moderator terms. I’d be happy to establish that as a rule, but I’d like to see some greater granularity on term limits before we do.

Mod term limits
  • Mods can serve at most one term before needing to take one term off
  • Mods can serve at most two consecutive terms
  • Mods can serve at most some number of consecutive terms larger than two (please specify)
  • Mods can keep serving as long as the community keeps re-electing them and they wish to keep doing it.

0 voters

I think it doesn’t work because it hasn’t worked and basically led us to where we are now. You aren’t proposing anything new.

Add punishing people who whine too much about moderation to the rule set, if it isn’t there already.

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Needs an option for more arrangements of the deck chairs IMHO…

We want people complaining about the mods, that’s how the mods know what the posters want. We need ways to stop the same complaint about the same action being made over and over again.

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Just my opinion, but if this is voting for an actual rule, the poll should be broadcast to more of the site and not just buried in some thread that most won’t ever read.


Oh, and I forgot:

Rotating Mods
  • All mods serve for terms
  • All mods except A&E mods serve for terms
  • Something else (please specify)

0 voters

I think we should put the rule proposals up in their own thread for an up and down vote after seeing which way the wind is blowing in here. Keed’s thread didn’t make an allowance for people to vote for mods serving unlimited terms, for example. If that looks more popular than his two consecutive terms proposal based on this subset of people, we’ll put that in the final vote.

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Sorry to ignore all the rest because I agree with it, but who are these people? We have a legal owner of the site and that’s it. And I really doubt he wants to be involved in any of this. In another way of viewing it, I would have said ggoreo and zikzak own the site because they built it.

But in my view, and AFAIK how we’ve always operated, is that the servers are funded by donor funds from the community - so it’s owned by the community, as far as I’m concerned. If the community wants to give the reins over to people, I am all for that. But I really think it should come from the community.

I don’t know why they do. They can ban people.

Being a moderator is a necessary though thankless position. People will bitch and complaion no matter what decision is made. Part of the job is sucking it up and knowing that you made the right call.

Whether the owner is involved or not doesn’t matter. We need a starting place and the defacto owners are the ones who control who the mods are, if that is you then use that authority to start the ball rolling. Add rules about how mods are decided or not, the starting place we tried last time failed. Let’s try something new and see what happens.

Allowing mods to serve unlimited terms is the same as just forcing people to vote them out.

Anyway, you said you don’t want to be a mod anymore. Why in the world is it so important to you that you can continue to be mod? I legit don’t get it in light of your OP.


For mental health, it’s probably best for people to have time off modding. That way they can enjoy their time here for a while before getting back to work.

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Under the current system they can’t though, not without getting a raft of shit from the community who hates shit posting but hates banning shit posters worse.

lol wtf? Wookie and goof baller want Risky Flush out of the un-contentious A&E mod position after a fixed term? Why in the world?

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I don’t think that’s true because mod decisions haven’t been public and transparent enough. That’s a crucial detail. I think it could work really well. It would take a lot of documentation and thick skin from mods, and a willingness to really be open to mistakes in moderation. Both in the direction of taking inappropriate action and not taking enough action.

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Yea that’s a situation I would not be comfortable in, and I think it would violate what I promised the community when I stepped into this role. I promised I wouldn’t abuse any power and that I would do what the community wanted and what was best for the site, so that’s my plan.

Really the only reason I’m involved in any of this right now is because I have some keys in my hands and feel I should be aware of what is going on in the community. I also think I can contribute to the discussion in some way. As admin though, I don’t see any path where I can do anything meaningful.

For example, just bleeping the word ■■■■ got some blowback - and I thought I handled that the right way. Impossible to please everyone, sure, but at the same time I can at least try to do the right thing for the largest number of people. I think the way that went down is possibly a reason ggoreo wants nothing to do with this, but he can speak for himself. It’s just what I suspect. I know for me it was a little frustrating to go through that when the answer (to me) was extremely obvious.

TBH there should be some serious discussion about admin role as well, especially if ggoreo steps down. Anyone can probably do this, sure, but it comes with a lot of power that is potentially fraught with issues. Not regretting it, but I think I’m very much the wrong person to make a unilateral action like that. I really just want to do what is best for the site and keeps everything smoothly running. Outside of that I can just voice my strong opinion and hope it gets heard.

I really like your rules, honestly they are exactly what we need.