Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Ouch. And yes, definitely screwed. Fwiw it wasn’t the wrong line, the rules changed this week. F"in clownshoes man.

That seems absolutely ridiculous. How and why is there no mechanism to amend ppp apps? Why was there a priority window for people in my situation and then you change the rules. Infuriating.

Fuck man. Sorry to hear that.

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Lol was wondering what they were going to do with all the extra money from slashing stimulus plus no min wage increase which was factored into it already.

Fucking losers


The chip thing is meant to help automobile manufacturers mostly. So follow that trail wherever. Still not WV though.

This is actually extremely on brand for modern “liberal” governments. Giving money to poor people is seen as wasteful. Giving money to tech companies is seen as “creating growth”. One of my major complaints about eDems and their global parallels is that they’ve completely twisted around the role of government to try to accommodate capitalists. It makes much more sense to me for the world to be based on capitalists creating economic growth by delivering desired goods and services and governments making sure the benefits are shared reasonably among the population, but capitalists have convinced governments that it is the government’s job to create economic growth with stimulus and it is the markets job to allocate that growth “fairly” to the capitalists. This is in my opinion a total perversion of the roles of government and business and is a key root cause in the literally biggest problems in the world. Climate change and runaway wealth inequality tie directly to this problem.


Have question on current stimulus Bill. I do a lot of help / advising gig guys in group homes. One of these guys didn’t get the last two checks because their mother unscrupulously keeps him listed as a dependent.

At some point I remember them making adult dependents eligible this time around but that was forever ago. Trying to find out if he will qualify this time or not.

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giphy (4)


Do we know the deadline for filing 2020 taxes for that income to be used for these next checks? Just file this weekend to be safe I guess?

Does he not file taxes? Not sure how she can keep him as a dependent if he is filing taxes that are above the threshold which IIRC is super low still.

That aside from everything I understand all dependents are getting a check now. Adults, children, and adults above 18 still being claimed. It was an extra 20+ million or something.

Yeah I would file ASAP. I filed through Taxact on 2/15 and am still waiting for my return to show up on the IRS website even though I got the “Return accepted by the federal government” email after I filed. So who knows what the fuck that’s about. Monday is 3 weeks after filing so I’m gonna call then and be on hold for hours.

Anybody got a good link for bill deets and specifics?

And anyone know what has to be resolved between the house and senate versions?

He doesn’t file taxes. He is on permanent disability and most all his money goes to his housing.

I am not sure how he would get a check but I know others on disability who were not dependents and didn’t file taxes got them previously.

Thanks for the answer.

Good news for those of us who had to go on unemployment last year.

The Senate bill exempts the first 10,200 of our unemployment income in 2020 so that’s like $2200 more on our tax refund.


This is good news.

Gonna have to do an amended return now though

I’m just gonna wait to file 1-2 weeks so I won’t have to amend.

Planned on filing this weekend but now I’ll wait

I already filed, but the good news is that I have to amend anyway since the shitbag company that laid me off in May fucked up my W2 and sent me a W2C

Have not filed yet. My gain won’t be so big because we have a lot of business deductions and I made less than 20% of my prior low. So marginal rate is a lot lower for 2020.