Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Dave Ramsey could always go fuck himself, but he can do it extra super hard now

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Ramsay is one of the big OG grifters on the right along with people like Rush. He is an unabashed scumbag who rips off poor people for thousands of dollars to tell them things they can easily find on the internet and to give ten percent of their already niggling cash to their church before everything else including shelter and food.

One of the worst humans I’ve ever met.

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Barker claims that removing someone from a home that they rent, for money, because that individual failed to pay the agreed-upon sum of money, is not an economic activity.

My EIDL application for an increase is still pending.

Waited too long to apply for PPP. All my ducks are in a row to apply for it the next time if new legislation opens it up again.

Get My Payment is the same as it ever was lol. Check is in the mail!

My partner has a good job waiting for her as a massage therapist but has been waiting on her license for this state since November lol. She’s emailed and called and they’re like ty for your call, we will process your application in the order in which it was received.

A whole lot of waiting over here. Like half a dozen different things up in the air. At this point I’ve mostly given up waiting and am moving forward like they’ll never happen. Just a pleasant surprise if they do but waiting has never really been an option with bills on the table :plate_with_cutlery:

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Have been waiting to see if I get the EIDL advance round 2 (got $3,000 the first time so theoretically $7,000). Rules say to wait and they will contact you if eligible.

Thankfully business is up, so no need for another loan unless my world goes back to shit. Lets get some EIDL loan forgiveness!!! ;)

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Same! I thought applying for the increase automatically made me eligible for the increased grants being awarded, but I found out those are not the same and I’ll only get free grant monies if eligible. And that even if they contact you, it’s only to indicate you MAY be eligible.

I assume you already knew as much and it’s just me who is slow :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d really like to apply for a PPP next go-around. The amount you apply for on the application specifies to include the amount of your EIDL so that the PPP can pay off the EIDL and leave the whole thing up for PPP forgiveness.

Glad to hear business is up!! I’m SWAMPED with work for a few dollars but am glad to be in a month where I’m able to say that instead of wondering how many meals I can stretch these eggs and rice to last :eyes:

I posted elsewhere but I got a call a week ago from an acquaintance chief tech officer whose scientists need help science-ing and offered me what will be about 500 hours at my full consulting rate through June. Close to
Full time.

My small clients had picked up and a couple of sleeper clients woke up but I was looking at 20-30 hours per Month not 30+ per week.



I was emailed about applying for the second advance. It’s a lot more questions and scrutiny on the application this time. They did put out a new map on SBA website that lets you know if you are in a low income area. The map I was using before said I wasn’t low income but this one says I am. Haven’t heard anything back yet but 9k would be nice.

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Anyone know the details of how they’re planning on determining eligibility for stimulus checks? Haven’t seen details. I’ll qualify if they use 2019 income, will not qualify if they use 2020. Just wondering if I should go ahead and file my taxes for my refund now or wait in hopes of getting a check.

You’ll get the same amount of money either way. It will be based on 2020 income, if you wait to file they will just tax it back.

That sucks. I thought the previous deal was based on 2019 income back they sent checks based on 2018 and if you didn’t qualify for 19 they didn’t claw it back.

I believe you, just want to confirm it before screwing myself out of 2800. Not quite ready to file anyways I guess.

I could def be wrong, my post above is what my accountant told me.

Received the email to apply for the Targeted Advance. Good luck me and whatever they determine. Hoping that means they’re also processing the application for an increase.


Def don’t file yet as there is a very very very good chance you’ll get it if you wait.

If you file you are just eliminating any chance.


This guy gets it:

So so bad

People making 81k get nothing

Dems just lost 2022

Has anyone figured out exactly what this means?

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Use line 7 instead of 31 on the schedule C. So loan amount is based on income before deductions like rent and office supplies but after deducting expenses like cost of goods sold. Could matter a little or a lot depending on your business.

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I already got my ppp loan this time. They based it off the wrong line. I’m probably screwed right? Its 3x more money which is a major difference.