Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Hard disagree here. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good.

Related: Banning the internet other than porn when you turn 50. Sorry olds, the risk is too high.



It’s just a joke :P

Unless everyone voted to ban the topic.

It’s only a joke until it gets me what I want, etc etc.

Your option sounds pretty good! MAGA is too harsh, though. How about a turtle shell?

Tipping containment thread, ldo.

Wow, I had no idea it was actually an issue around these parts and was going to make the same SE FACK callback as dlk9s.

I’ve had a lot of different jobs, was a server too. Lame joke coworker would give:

“Hi, are you all ready for some drinks? Maybe an appetizer?”
“We’ll be a few minutes, sorry.”
“Take your time, that’s why they call me a waiter.”



seriously this has been my position from the beginning

Now I know what “winning” feels like.


Anyone figure out the EIDL yet? I got a request for information regarding my loan last year but it was just basic info.

I just read an article that says all EIDLs are with a non repayment advance of $10,000 and if you got less last year you can get the rest this year. Though no new actual loans.

Hoping to find out more as we got a $3,000 advance (two principles plus a contractor=3 employees). So maybe I can get another $7,000?

Any insight?

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I too am interested in this as 9k would be nice. Reddit has pretty good threads on EIDL info and the consensus is that no one knows yet. I believe the SBA has said they will put out the info on the 17th.



Better check back tomorrow. I’m going to open the floor for discussions on tipping poker dealers shortly.

from Imgflip Meme Generator



Absolutely no excuse for poverty in a nation with a per capita GDP (all in) of 65k. That’s like several times larger than whatever the maximum level you can honestly claim that poverty is unavoidable at.

Us leftists are going to respond to the fact that it’s morally wrong. We need to figure out how to help the people on the right see how stupid this is though.

These days my go to is “Right now in the economy the big bottle neck to growing the pie is a lack of people who can do the work. Poor people almost by definition are people who we aren’t using efficiently and we very badly need to invest in them so that they can contribute more to the economy and need fewer services blah blah blah.”

This shit is stupid no matter how you look at it. We’re wasting human lives that we need to survive to the next stage whatever that is. Seriously this species has work that it NEEDS to get done over the next 50 years or this round of civilization and quite possibly the entire species is over. There’s a higher level to this (species level as opposed to individual level) beyond the considerable suffering of the people in poverty on the ground… and on that higher level it’s even dumber.

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The New Jersey theory- if they didn’t want me to do it they would make it impossible. If they just pass a law/regulation against and I can get away with ignoring it, then fuck you.

It’s not really rational to pay people a little as possible IMO.

It’s rational within the context of rational choice theory.

This might be something that deserves a thread to talk about. I have nothing but anedotal evidence for my claim.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow. Hope we all get good news.

Banks are closed Monday.

I mean the 19th of course :eyes:

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