Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

I mean they have already pushed him to the left on a couple things already. Chuck and Nancy fucking SUCK, trust me I know, but Joe sucks much more. Joe is much further to the right than either of them.

That bill is the opening bid. It’s going to be pushed right, not left.


I mean you’re correct, but only because LOL Biden wants to try bi partisanship. I’ve mentioned a couple times we won’t even get the 1,400.

If it wasn’t for that though, and not the push to work with Mitch, I could see Nancy and Chuck at the very least pushing for way more state and local, and Chuck for bigger checks to keep the senate.

So yeah, when this bill becomes shit thats all on Joe.

This obviously the case. In all the rallying cries around $2,000 vs. $600, they failed to clarify if they meant $2,000 flat or $2,600 total, especially once the $600 was approved and sent out. I always assumed it was $2,000 including the $600, since the talk started before the checks went out, but I can see why many thought it was $2,000 PLUS $600. It was just really bad messaging and somebody should have realized before it got out of hand.

Sweet summer child and all, but there’s no way that Biden and friends straight-up lied (intentionally, that is), telling everyone they’ll get $2,000, while thinking, “FOOLS! In only a couple weeks I’ll fuck them over and propose $1,400! They’ll never see it coming!”

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I have a feeling if we eliminate the lower minimum wage for tipped positions (a good thing, obv) that we might see a shift to the European model of food service (higher pay for workers, higher menu prices, no tipping.)

One can only hope. Tipping culture is massively shitty and just another thing the world laughs at us for. “You mean you supplement workers so their bosses dont have to pay them a living wage. Lol, dumbasses.”


Honestly I’ve always felt that restaurants front end operations were significantly worse than they should be because of tipping. Without tipping the server works for the restaurant and can be incentivized to only do what’s good for the restaurant. With tipping the servers are going to be compensated based on how much the customers like them. This might seem like a venn diagram with a lot of overlap, and it is, but it’s not total coverage by any means.

And at the end of the day the customer spent what they spent on eating out. A lot of our commerce got hooked on scammy crap +tax pricing and tipping culture a long time ago… and I really doubt it’s helping to drive sales anymore.

$2000 vs $2600 isn’t that big of a deal compared to a commitment that this won’t be the last check Biden pushes for.

I’m talking about tip culture being bad for the worker, not the restaurant or customer. While you as a worker may provide better service being in a tipped position, you also shouldnt be negatively affected by having to serve shitheads, or people having a bad day, or people that dont understand math, or people that dont “believe in handouts” or people who will tip you by spreading the word of god under a fake tip holy shit I hate those people so much, etc etc etc.

Fuck the owners, fuck the customers, tipping culture is fucked for the laborers and we should try to fix that as much as possible

Edit: I’m leaving the above up even though I’m not entire sure you were making the point I think you were making

Just checked in to see if whatever the fuck was going in ITT this morning was over yet, and apparently now it’s arguments about tipping.

Maybe I’ll try back later this evening.


I have become the thing I hate. I’m sorry

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Nearly anyone who works with the public and has a boss has to deal with shitty people while keeping calm. However, I do acknowledge that it sucks extra due to the customer having the ability to quietly screw with your income at the same time.

Let’s talk about the etiquette of reclining one’s seat on an airplane, then.


The point I was making is that tipping culture isn’t good for anyone. For the customer you are subsidizing assholes, for the owner you’re encouraging customers to bribe staff, and the staff are of course suffering significantly more than anyone else from all of this.

Tipping is dumb and needs to go.


I realized Biden just outsmarted Manchin. Manchin said he is likely to oppose $2000 payments.

$1400 check and mate.


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lmao they don’t even want to do the 1400


Ok I did read your post wrong. Glad we agree here

Yeah until Trump opened his mouth The squad + Bernie were legit the only people even talking about stimulus. They were more than happy to pass this shit bill without it.

But as has been pointed out, blaming Manchin is not going to cut it now that they have all three branches. So they either deliver or they lose power.

90 new posts made me crack my knuckles in anticipation of significant progress (or collapse!) for the stimulus.

Instead this same tired debate about tipping?!


I hate (but maybe love) to be that person, but jmakin taught me how to assert boundaries.

Discussions about tipping should be banned on Unstuck Politics
  • Yes
  • No
  • Here’s a tip you basterd

0 voters

Meh can I change my vote? I voted yes because I’m fucking tired of it ruining threads, but at the same time I don’t want any discussions banned.

Lets just make a rule where if you participate in tipping derail you get some awful pro maga avatar with an awful pro trump tagline for a month or something. Same goes for open for school derails in the covid thread.

Edit: changed me vote