Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Biden’s own words when in Georgia

“$2k checks will go out the door”

Naw he actually meant a $600 and $1400 check, duhhh it’s written so clearly in ads and the words couldn’t be clearer


This is the tweet that started the whole $2000 discussion:


Trump called for $2000 INSTEAD OF $600 and the Democrats picked that up. Every statement has to be seen within that context.

What if they gave you $600 and then said “don’t worry I am going to get you a $2000 check too”?

Would you expect $1400? If so why?!?!?

See my post above yours.

I haven’t seen this in any of the coverage I’ve read - how long is the phase in for 15/hr min wage? I’m guessing like 7 years so that by the time it happens it will once again be completely inadequate relief.

I did see one article mention that it would eliminate the lower min wage for tipped employees, which seems like a good thing but incredibly unpopular politically.

So your take is that we can’t go off of what Biden and Warnock proposed, because Trump proposed something different?

Both 2000 and 2600 are ridiculous pittances that don’t come close to matching the developed world.

Well-off professionals who don’t need the money will come to this site to cry that other posters are too mean to war criminal Joe Biden in the process of getting a few hundred extra to our maligned poor.

Very cool river man

Even if you think the intention was 2000 total maybe just shut up when you see people asking for 2600. They need it and it’s none of your god damned business you damn cop


Find me a statement where Biden clearly(*) states he wants to send a total of $2600 and I‘ll change my mind.

(*) To continue talking about $2000 checks after the first checks went out is not enough unless he says that check in addition to any payments that were made in the meantime

At the end of the day this is all moot. While it may have cost Mitch the senate, obstructing the crap out of this so it’s going to be work to even get it.

Screwing the pooch on messaging before it starts does not help at all. As many noted the numbers are entirely arbitrary. I fear dems think republicans who were on board before will still magically be on board now even though it’s a very different calculus for them,

Having a hard time seeing this being anything less than a cluster for democrats.

After you find him ever saying $1400 about anything.

2000 was mentioned thousands of times, 1400 never.

Sorry gotta come down on the $2,000 Biden bucks. Not proposing that is just giant egg on face given the rhetoric. The fine distinction of $1,400 and $2,000 is going to go right pass the masses.

Biden gave me $1,400, Trump said $2,000. The $600 is yesterday’s news and irrelevant.

Intellectually I get it. But the majority- no effin way.

I’m just talking the optics here. No comment on what should be done from a practical standpoint. $1,400 just looks bad.


But they did give $600.

Since then not a single person mentioned 1400.

Too lazy to search for the first time 1400 appeared in this thread.

When the $600 was voted on nobody said “now $1400 more”. When the $600 was sent out nobody said “Now $1400 more”.

The $600 was passed and they said $2000. The $600 was (mostly) dispersed and they said $2000.

That is at best some pooch screwing messaging.

It’s almost like they were intentionally being deceitful.


Live look at me, right now



Live look at me, right now


About 650 billion too little… WTF.

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Anyone stanning for an additional $1.4k instead of $2k is a clown and should feel bad


I mean this is a huge fucking fail. They could have started at 3k and let the republicans “water it down” to $2,000. Starting at $1,400 is such a huge fucking self-own for the democrats.


As I said my hope is Nancy and Chuck will push this a little to the left. At the very least I think Nancy and Chuck will push for more for states because their states need it the most, plus states getting more money will help them keep their leadership which is what they care about most.

Then again I was listening to the Majority Report and a guy who wiped senate votes for a long time was talking about how Biden will have a ton of credibility with Manchin as a super moderate shitlib institutionalist, so Joe will be super powerful here. So its likely that dems will be forced to go with whatever Joe wants, because that will be what Manchin goes for.

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I’m gonna stop you right there.


It’s not necessarily relevant to the “what did they mean by $2000” conversation, but in the next few weeks the government will be funding new PPP loans for small businesses. The ones under $50K are basically auto-forgiven, the ones under $150K are very easily forgiven, and larger ones are still pretty easy to have forgiven. Yes, these funds are going to help people stay employed (to some degree), but many many many “small business” owners are going to personally benefit wayyyyyyyyyyy more than $2000 from each of these loans.