Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

It’s likely to come separately.

Yeah i expected them go do 1400 because lol shitlibs but 2k is the minimum they should do, then another 2k, then another until whit gets back to ok.

Also lol at quick succession. We will burn through a month or two trying to be bi partisan, maybe more, and then if were lucky in another month pass through reconciliation.

If not, they will allow mitch to shit all over it and pass another 600 for 1200 plus a bunch of other good shit disappearing.

So yeah that 600 will be long, long go for anyone who needs it

Based on Edem logic, I will be paying the government back $600 soon.


Just a little devils advocate here, but this is Bidens PROPOSED plan, right? I’m in favor of the pushback if this leads to tweaking prior to the house actually introducing the bill

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I don’t think it’s a fair interpretation of what they were saying. If somebody tells me “I will give you $2000”, then hands me $600 and keeps telling me “don’t worry, I’ll get you your $2000” then I have no reason to believe that they are suddenly talking about giving me $2600 in total.
Attacking the Democrats and Biden on this is the weirdest thing. If you want to attack them because $2000 isn’t enough, then fine, but pretending that they clearly must have meant $2600 is twisting their words.


Republicans: “Trump gave everyone $1,800 during the pandemic and more unemployment benefits, dems gave you $1,400 and less unemployment”

Unstuck: “average voters and non voters (who we constantly call morons) understood the unclear messaging and what the dems were actually offering”

Adam Schiff: “it’s not $2k???”

lol 2022 and 2024 are going to be awesome


Telling a bunch of people who have already received $600 that if you vote for Warnock $2000 checks will go out the door seems pretty clear to me.

Someone up thread made the best point

Trump was talking about 2000

That’s the absolute floor

Just make it 5000 a person. They have all three right now. Do wtf you want to.

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Warnock was saying he was going to give 2k checks and even posted this picture

He had nothing to do with the $600 because he wasn’t in government and said once elected he will fight for a $2k check. I’m going to guess a lot of voters in Georgia didn’t understand the mixed messages


That’s different then saying they already promised $2600.

I already agreed with you, see:

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Yeah, it sounds weird as fuck to say this, but we’ve already had several examples of NANCY AND CHUCK pulling Biden left lmao. And its so obvious this would be hugely beneficial politically to go big here, so maybe they end up with 2k instead of 1,400.

Honestly people should only expect $200 since $1200+$600 already went out. Only $200 left!


Then let Warnock fight for $2600. I don’t see how his campaign promises bind the rest of the party.

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This was not obvious at all.

Why? Because nobody once ever said it.

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Biden said the same thing!

That was the message the entire dem party was pushing as to why to vote for them because THEN when they when we can fight for $2k. It’s not the fault of the people mad that the dem party is incompetent and sends out mixed messages but we have people mad at the people complaining instead of the dems.

Like this is one of the few things we can possibly fight the party on and people are told to shut up and accept the $1400. AOC and other dems aren’t doing that so why should we be quiet and wait until our rulers decide what’s best?


Looking at this spot I’m like 50% sure this is an attempt to get Mitch to obstruct a bill packed to the gills with nothing but broadly popular shit so they can weaken/eliminate the filibuster in response.

I think the 15 dollar minimum wage is the poison pill fwiw. There’s absolutely no way the GOP lets that through.

In terms of progressive priorities being met I feel like a 15 dollar mw is going to make a bigger difference for the people you want to help than 600 bucks would. If they got this snuck by and all it cost was 600 bucks (which even a 13/hour employee would recoup in 10-11 weeks of 30 hour per week work) I’d say we did great.

But again I really think this bill is DOA because Mitch… which hopefully is the reason the Democrats have decided to use to blow up the filibuster.

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I really think it’s just the old “incompetence, not malice” situation. The messaging was bad because of the timing and some Dems didn’t notice. People were calling for $2,000 checks well before the $600 got approved (IIRC), so the original assumption was “Dems will get you $2,000, while the Republicans only want to get you $600.” But then the $2,000 message kept going after the $600 checks started going out, confusing the issue: is it $2,600 total or $2,000 total? Some Dem politicians assumed it was the former and started touting that, while some assumed it was the latter.

At any rate, everyone should have gotten more money for longer, anyway.

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They bind it because his seat is up in 2022 and every fucking seat is HUGE and if we lose either house of congress the dem party is a dead man walking. They’re in big trouble in 2024 and our democracy is likely over the next time Reps win all 3 branches.

They need to go HUGE, they need to do absolutely everything to retain and expand control so they can pass a new votings rights act and hopefully statehood, maybe even pack the supreme court.

But since the original UE bump was 600 maybe 400 means they will deduct $200 from each week of unemployment now.
