Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

River man got tired of his raging at the dem party schtick and is now back to brunch and punching left since Biden is president

Also, what a giant fuck you to Warnock. “Oh, you’re up for re-election in two years? Let’s make sure that your signature campaign promise was a lie.”

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Yeah guess he can’t fight for the $2k checks he posted in this tweet which was after the $600 started going out

There are going to be some made Georgia voters lol guess it might go back red again

This is the kind of thing I was talking about when I speculated that some eDems weren’t really sure if they wanted to win both Georgia races. Now the rubber really meets the road.



Push Biden to the Left from Day One!


lol the dems have gained a lot of cheerleaders.

Do you know why schiff thought it was $2k and why warnock campaigned with an image of a check that literally said $2k and he said he would fight for $2k when elected?

It’s amazing people are whining about the people complaining about the dem party instead of the dem party that doesn’t have a United message and confusion within their own party

“That was always the intention”

Sure it was but how do you think Georgia voters will react to the unclear mixed messaging. But keep carrying water for this party lol


If by “that was always the intention”, you mean that the Dems never ever intend to make good on any of their promises to help people, then yes. Clearly. But it was 100% sold to people as a $2k check.


The libs on here are mad people like AOC are whining that it isn’t $2,000

When did they start talking about $2000 checks: before or after the $600 check was sent?

Correct, Ds are increasing the weekly unemployment supplement to $400/wk and extending it through September because they never intended to help people.

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That was incredibly stupid of Warnock to post that image. I don’t think at any point a majority of dems thought or were promising $600+$2000.


The randomness of the number as Moxon said is one thing I’ve complained about in the past. $600, $2,000, whatever, they are just bullshit numbers with no basis in anything (or worse - the $600 might be an estimate of two weeks-worth of minimum wage). $2,000 just sounds good and Trump threw it out there.


ya’ll seem super damn petty and setting up a circular firing squad.


Adam Schiff thought the new bill was for new $2k checks as of yesterday.

But the geniuses in this thread want to carry water for the dem party and think regular voters and non voters will know better


Before, but they continued talking about them after the $600 was sent. Did they start campaigning on $1400 after the $600 checks were sent out? Because Biden and Warnock were both promising $2k immediately before the senate election there.


“Once the dems win Georgia we will fight for $2k”

They forgot to add the asterisk to their ads and their speeches


$400 is less than what the fucking republicans passed at the beginning of the crisis.

We have all three branches and can pass, quite literally, whatever we want via reconciliation, and ya’ll are just lining up to defend this bullshit.

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I love the concern trolling about us bitching about the dem party.

Do you guys think they’ll move left or give us anything more if we stay quiet and say “thank you sir”

Or do you guys think the dem party is petty and won’t give us anything in the future if we make some noise.

What was the strategy for people to push them left, just shut up and take the scraps?

I mean AOC and a couple other dem politicians are saying it should be a new $2k, you guys telling them to shut up about this too?


Reading the summary here is the first time I ever saw $1400.

Every other time $2000 was mentioned including the first stories on this bill.

Nobody was ever saying $1400 more. Seems like a weird thing you forget to mention for weeks and weeks and weeks.