Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

My point is that Dems are giving him and others free cover to do this charade. If they actually had a strategy (lol) they’d be in lockstep voting nay which takes away the free grandstanding. Six GOP senators (Braun, Paul, Kennedy, Hawley, Cruz, Lee) pulled the maneuver with impunity. Six others didn’t vote (Cotton, Rubio, Loeffler, Perdue, Graham, Blackburn), and it’s a face-saving political move in at least three of those cases.

What if the Democratic strategy is to put all the blame on McConnell for blocking more stimulus, claiming that Democrats are powerless to stop him so long as they are in the minority?

I’m not saying that’s the best strategy, but it would be Democrats having an actual strategy.

That’s like declining a penalty that would put your opponent in an objectively worse position because maybe you can score some big touchdowns later.

Trump was especially bad but otherwise both parties are about the same. The better Rs sincerely argue for less government because it will be corrupted by elites who pocket a huge chunk of the money for themselves and their friends, and the average D goes about proving them right.

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This is far too literal and doesn’t capture the nuance and political leverage of this vote. Why did Loeffler and Perdue not vote? If they vote yea it’s another ad in GA about $2k and it’s also breaking with Daddy. Force them to vote. If both still want to abstain then the other 10 have their cover blown on this issue.

If dems take the bait and repeal 230, wouldn’t the republicans come begging to unrepeal it like a week later?

No way Republicans actually want this, it’s just a scary poison pill, but if dems call their bluff wouldn’t there be huge bi-partisan support to get it back? Because if not the amount of money big tech would throw at the side of undoing the repeal would get would make losing impossible.

What was the vote for? It wasn’t for 2k because Rand voted same way as Bernie

NDAA veto over ride

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Just like when Bernie almost won the primary (twice!) and then Hillary almost won the presidency.

Boy, that was a close one!


Literally just accuse your opponent of the thing you do even in a case where it’s the exact opposite of true. Breathtaking levels of bad faith.

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Any deplorable parrots this “for the rich” and all anyone should say is “blurggg tax cuts” followed by 13 seconds of shrieking.

All I’m seeing from my libertarian clown on facebook and all the people replying to him is “we shouldn’t be helping other countries, I don’t want one and no one else I know wants checks, Govt just needs to let people earn a living” fucking clowns

Tell them it’s a tax cut and everyone is just getting some of their races back


Libertarian clown is too concerned about the debt and the people that get it will mostly be the half of the country that doesn’t pay fed taxes

Dems shall now be known as Congress Chilly.