Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)





Any rule that Bernie can’t read these select portions of politically relevant movie transcripts as part of his filibuster?

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It’s so depressing that we have like 2-3 actual good senators, this country is completely doomed.


In the paraphrased words of the great player hater Silky Johnson, “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, I don’t even know you but fuck you, and definitely fuck you.”


Glad our VP elect couldn’t even try and fight for the $2k


Great job Kamala, I’m sure that will help you get along with Mitch McConnell moving forward.

Also, great message for Georgia voters. You have to vote for us, we promise to do absolutely nothing to fight for you in any way, sure as shit not to give you money.

Washington Generals.

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Didn’t have anything to do with backing down from Mitch. That’s just Kamala demonstrating her sincere beliefs. This is who she is.


Loeffler and Perdue not voting. Hmmmm…

Looking forward to being told again in the future that I have to vote for these frauds because ________ is worse. Both parties really are the same in that they’re crooks enriching themselves. The rest of this shit is just theater playing to different audiences. Look at that huge list of motherfuckers laying down. Those are the people “fighting” for you (as always, it’s Bernie Sanders fighting for you).


The tinfoil hat part of me thinks that maybe the
Dems don’t really want to win Georgia, because then it would become really apparent how (not) progressive the party establishment really is.


Like what the hell is Sherrod Brown doing? Gary Peters just got 6 more years, what is he worried about? Great job California, your delegation really showed up. Mr. “expose the corruption” Sheldon Whitehouse? Both chickenshit losers from NY. Klob, of course. Fuck off, all of you.

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The annoying thing here is they didn’t have to really put anything at risk unless I am misunderstanding the situation. Even if this bill is must pass, is it must pass on 12/31 vs 1/31? Can just surrender and vote for it post Georgia anyways if it is that important and can’t see it mattering much in ‘22 or beyond elections when it is 2400 news cycles old.

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I’ve gone through an arch where I was a “both sides though!” person to “The republicans are way worse” and now I’m closer to “Both sides though!”.

I really believe the dems are there to play the part of the better side but you are right, they are both just enriching themselves.

And they get rewarded. Biden and Kamala were probably this forums least favorite candidates and they both got pushed through for playing that part.

Imagine getting outflanked by John fucking Kennedy. Like even if his sole objection is renaming confederate bases it’s still a Nay/Yea on paper to block giving people $2k during a pandemic.

Just to be clear, this was a vote on the National Defense Authorization Act, not on checks. Sanders wanted to hold it hostage to force a vote on $2k and only a few Democrats joined him. Rand Paul opposed a provision regarding Afghanistan. Ted Cruz has cited the renaming of military bases as a reason for his vote against.

I haven’t located a statement by Kennedy on why he voted no. He’s been opposed to renaming bases because it “picks on the South unfairly”. I also found this Tweet, so my guess is that his no vote is unrelated to stimulus checks.

I don’t understand why Bernie and the other 4 couldn’t filibuster the defense bill in perpetuity.

5 people can’t stop a cloture vote.