Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)


*stimulus vouchers


Yes a real head scratcher there Justin. Gfy


Wow, that was fast. It’s already pending in my checking account.

This actually pisses me off. They could have helped millions of Americans all along, within hours, and choose not to.

Now hurry up and buy an iPhone or better yet APPL stock!

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At 9 hours there are only 2 :heart: for this. Come on. It’s perfect.

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two observations from trolling my congresspeople’s (all GOP) facebook comments:

  1. last week the maga turds were complaining about not having a “clean standalone bill” but this week they don’t seem to think that’s a big problem

  2. they are absolutely dragging Kustoff (TN-8) over his vote to override the NDAA veto, not really clear why they all want to DEFUND THE MILITARY

  3. omg I cannot wait until Jan 6th even if it means nuclear apocalypse just so I won’t have to read these mouthbreathers demand that Marsha Blackburn STAND WITH OUR PRESIDENT and DEFEND THE COUNTRY

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This is reality.

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Their guilt might cause them to donate it but then they’d be furious at the idea of people like them that didn’t regift it.

That’s exactly what the DOW wants though. Who’s selling the botox? Some pharmaceutical company who’s shares just went up .12, that’s who

I find it hard to believe Mitch has Venmo but allegedly people found his address and keep requesting he send them $2000.


Mitch living up to his turtle heritage:


Wow. $2000 to everybody making less that $75,000 somehow translates to rich democrats.

Of fucking course, though, the republicans will win the messaging war on this and I’ll shortly see a bunch of FB posts about how the dems are trying to push through stimulus to rich people.


I also like the ability to change the messaging from “dems want to give lazy people money so they don’t have to work” to “dems want to give rich people money to make them richer”.

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I’ve already seen those exact posts. Along with the Dems are trying to send 750 billion to foreign countries.

When he says “rich” he is talking about people who make minimum wage to 50k a year. When he says “democrats” he means people of any party affiliation.

Just making this clear now. I am going to dance on his grave when he dies. Please adjust pearls accordingly.


I actually feel like mitch/Republicans are going to lose this messaging battle. If you check all the right wing communities they hate him and aren’t buying this at all and are all aboard the 2k clean bill. Unless he can get trump to flip and endorse his new plan they are gonna get a lot of backlash for this. Possibly enough to flip GA