Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

The typical upper middle class person not receiving a stimulus check is not a complete sociopath like the typical super rich person.

Many of them would feel guilty receiving a check they didn’t need while others literally starve and get evicted, and it wouldn’t sit right with them. That’s why politics is the way it is with handouts for the rich and poor only, imo.

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Here’s a Krugman take:

I think the meta of checks is that we are trying to convince people that big government is a good idea and part of the solution, undoing the brainwashing of Reaganism and libertarianism. Giving checks to everyone, for the most part, is more of a bribe to get upper middle class folk to go along with everything else rather than giving them help that they need.


Yeah I looked it up and our company got 1.5M. To the best of my knowledge they had a lot of clients stop paying their software hosting or support fees for a couple of months at the height of the lockdown, but virtually all of them came back to us and paid retroactively. I’m sure we weren’t taking on new clients at nearly the pace of a normal year, but didn’t lose many either.

As for the employees, we lost a few to attrition but no layoffs or furloughs, but the rest of us got our vacation time cut in half (was originally 1/3 and then generously bumped up to half a couple months ago…also no cashing out vacation pay this year, either take it or carry it over.). We never get bonuses, other than a $100 gift card and some candy which conveniently didn’t materialize this year, I’m sure the excuse is that very few of us are physically in the office.

Cliffs: My company sucks.

Mitch should have said “two weeks”, that always works.

I have decided Fucktucky is at the top of my list now.

We actually have hired 4 people since the pandemic began.

Nope. They lessened the upper limit from 198000 for couples to 175000

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My company got a 3 million PPP loan, around 200 employees between two locations. Business is down a little compared to last year at my location and up a little at the other location. No layoffs this year but no bonuses or anything either.

There is a legit entire thread for this discussion


Definitely calling this clowns office

Lol fuck you Dick Durbin

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That guy seems like a real dick.


You forgot the cuck porn. That’s like most of them.

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You get one too.


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The deficit scolds arent completely wrong, just lol at this being where the line is drawn. Not directed at you, but step up basis at death still exists, for fucks sake, the issue here isnt the fucking deficit.

Turning this into a political loss by the Dems gonna be very impressive. Just hold up the defense bill that the fucking Republican president vetoed and make every ad this week “do you like $2,000 better than $0? Well now you can vote on whether you want $2,000 also btw Republicans hate the troops”

Phase outs on this are dumb, just give $2K to everyone as a pandemic dividend and dont muddle the message. Democrats eventually have to move away from the “when we mean taxes we just mean on the uber rich because taxes are a bad thing” messaging if (lol) they actually ever want to promote a progressive agenda. This isnt the spot for that though. Capital has already been bailed out for the pandemic and is in boom times, better times than January '20 for the capitalists for sure (free money forever from the government, implied backstops that anything that fails is getting bailed out by the Fed, and lots of margin enhancement because the market for labor got a lot less competitive in a lot of industries, many headcount reductions and benefit reductions/salary cuts for those who remain among other things favoring business). Just pay the people $2000, period, and be willing to actually fight for it (other policies better than one time payment, but take what we can get in lol USA)


Seriously, stop voting for these stupid motherfuckers.


You are correct about the mechanism. 2020 returns will have an ‘economic rebate credit’ for whatever amount you are supposed to get for both stimulus payments. If you have already received some/all of the stimulus that you are entitled to, that will cancel out the credit. Any stimulus you haven’t rightly received will be a refundable credit and you will get it with your refund (or it will reduce the amount you owe if you happen to owe). Three things that suck about this: 1) you have to wait until you get your refund after filing your return to benefit, 2) you won’t get the money if you still owe after the credit, and 3) you won’t get the money if there is some kind of garnishment against your tax refunds.

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