Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

This is kind of surprising, a straight objection. But Mitch has managed to own the libs at every turn so I’m sure he’ll have some play. Then again he failed miserably at the healthcare repeal so we shall see.

I feel like dems winning the GA runoff seats would be the optimal outcome and this gives it a bump. Though I guess Perdue and Loefler can say they supported it and blame Mitch or something and he’s fine taking the heat. Guess it’ll depend on what Trump does.

Evil villain goes 3 all day.


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Sounds like it’ll be either C or B. Might just do nothing and promise Trump some kind of election fraud investigation until after jan 5th to shut him up, or adds some poison pill shit to address " all three conerns " of Trumps and puts it all in one bill that democrats can’t pass.

I think they have always been able to haven’t they? Bring something for an up/down vote? Unless I am misremembering that.

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Mitch is so evil. Just the absolute worst. Thanks, Kentucky. Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell. Great work.


Effin Mitch. GA going R and that’s the end of stimulus. The extra $1400x2 would have helped. I’m making just enough to not get PUA but still way down without being able to hop on planes.

I think there is a mechanism on the 2020 taxes to get paid—if you qualify for 2020 but didn’t get your check because of 2019 earnings.



So Bernie’s big plan was something that could be defeated just by McConnell objecting to it? GJGE

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Nah, Bernie’s gonna block Mitch from turbo-passing the defense boondoggle, for which they have to override Trumps lol veto. Not clear to me how long he can do this but he has other senators willing to filibuster with him.

It appears that my firm, that was on pace for a record year, took out a $500,000 PPP loan in April. I don’t feel good about it.

ETA: Christmas bonuses were big this year. Now I found out why. Turns out they could have been about $20,000 if they split the $500k equally among all staff.

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Yeah, they should have asked for a lot more!

This is another reason means testing is stupid, everyone knows rich people are having an endless stream of cash shoved down their throats, making the absurdity of punishing people making $200k even more salient in relative terms.

They’re effectively funding free money for both people poorer and richer than they are, of course they’re justifiably upset.


Taxbro here

Fuck that. Just pay people money.

We pay rich people millions and no one bats an eye. Let’s pay middle class people the same way.


Yeah, the government shipped Trump $70 million in cash that he wasn’t entitled to and here we are 10 years later and absolutely nothing has happened. But yeah, better make sure the six hundred fucking dollars doesn’t go to the undeserving. Fuck you.


I don’t think the idea of means testing is necessarily to punish people making 200k. The idea, at least for these checks, is partly that there is a finite amount of money to disburse and if you give literally everyone a check, then you have to decrease the amount per check. That’s the mindset of a deficit scold, but I think it is part of the reasoning that some people have in their heads.

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But there isn’t a finite amount of money for rich c

That’s the issue.

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I never said they were right.

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NYT gonna NYT, JFC this is so embarrassing
