Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

I thought - from prev posts

  • they get gifted 100k to pay payroll (non taxable) Then at tax time they turn around and say, look we paid 100k for payroll here (deductible).

Trump forcing Nancy and Dems to possibly play their hand the right way for once

Passing the 2k ASAP is the right move

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It’s all so fucking stupid.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about how awful it must be to live in a legit autocracy. I feel incredibly hopeless and depressed about US politics, but it’s truly unimaginable to me what it would be like to live in a place like North Korea or even Russia. Even in its current pathetic state, America is a top 10% place to live (by aggregate global population). So fucking sad.


If we’re listing UN member states from 1 to 193, it absolutely is not.


I know there are some accelerationists out there who wanted Trump to win to hasten the collapse so we can move on to something better, but I think some of the people who rattled their sabers in that direction admitted to voting for Biden.

A sincere accelerationist should probably be rooting for there to be no stimulus because the rage over that might be enough to push America over the edge and willing to make changes (because four years of Trump couldn’t make people that mad).

Are there any leftist accelerationists out there rooting for the stimulus to fail because they believe it will lead to a quicker end to capitalism?

I truly believe America is hopeless at this point. I used to think demographics would eventually save us, but no more. In the Facebook era there is no way out. I’m hopeful I’ll find the discipline to focus on family and community, because my personal participation in politics is objectively meaningless and dangerously depressing.


Yeah, social media is the counterbalance to any demographics shift

We are fucked

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Accelerationism is a fairy tale that assumes progress is predestined and regression impossible.

So, I’m basically asking who believes in fairy tales.

Lol my deplorable cousin who honestly would suck Trump’s dick posted this on Facebook. Not sure if she’s had a reckoning or not. Probably not.




lol this shit is bonkers. 2020 gonna deliver right up to the very end.

GOP: we cannot pass this bill with all the wasteful spending going to other countries

Ok, let’s do a stand-alone bill, 1200 to every American

GOP: but the deficit!!!

Nancy ripping every page out if the “how not to deal with a narcissist” playbook. Just say you already passed Cares Act and you’ll vote when Mitch gets something through the Senate.

I don’t ever want to hear that she’s some master tactician again. Fuck that. Retire.


I still think the most likely outcome is the terrible 900b bill becomes law, followed by nothing passing. How long does Trump have to veto it? Certainly if he vetoes it people on both sides will jump ship and doom the bill right?

Get ready for the SHOCKER when Trump about faces and yanks his support. Who could have seen it coming!

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