Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Marsh Blackburn today posted on her personal/campaign facebook about how totally awesome the 2017 Trump tax cuts were, then IMMEDIATELY posted on her official/senate facebook about how she voted no on the stimulus bill because deficits kill baby jesus

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lol this article

Reading the r/conservative thread is wild. Mind you this is basically the_donald with better moderators and they still snap ban anyone who is even remotely liberal or anti trump

They almost sound like us





Yes, this is all exactly right.

I know I’m a broken record but (Lester: follow the money) explains basically everything about modern American politics.

It really is as simple as the donor class coming for every large pot of money. The ultimate prizes for the Steven Schwartzmans of the world are public assets. Airports, bridges, roads, every social service (see education for the blueprint), and most importantly social security. Note that they’ve already essentially privatized health care, shaving off like 3-5% of GDP annually from a single industry.

Nothing more satisfying than seeing both sides hating on Congress. As it should be.


“To so-called conservatives who are quick to identify the socialism of Democrats: If you vote for this spending monstrosity, you are no better,” Paul said. “When you vote to pass out free money, you lose your soul and you abandon forever any semblance of moral or fiscal integrity.” - Rand Paul

fuck off


Gotta have a folksy narrative for how they came together to give us crumbs trickling down from the chins of the car dealerships and law firms getting millions.

It’s funny that the broken record aspect of what we talk about has correlations to movies/TV. Lester following the money in The Wire, and the one that I tend to use regularly from Casino: they’re either in on the con, or too stupid to figure it out, either way they’re out.

What the IMF & Worldbank have done to “developing” nations in the global south and elsewhere is exactly what is happening and will continue to happen here in the US. Unless we organize and stop it.


I wish I could find the source for this, but iirc the amount of “foreign aid”(and granted a lot of this is military and not humanitarian) that is given to Africa from the US is less than the amount of interest that those nations pay on their debt.

Which makes Bill Gates an even more apt comparison as he tosses out crumbs from the loaves of bread that he’s stolen.

meanwhile rand paul is like “FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS WTF WE’RE BROKE”


Just about every part of US foreign policy that has a “positive” sounding name is a euphemism for fucking over foreigners and/or enriching the plutocrats.


Pretty sure a lot of “aid” is “we will protect Exxon Mobil workers while they extract your oil.”

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100% agreement with you.

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Aid to foreigners (especially brown foreigners like Egyptian students) and the like.

Don’t worry most of their protests are on brand.

This is congress being congress. My entire life congress has been this worthless. Half the people vote for their rep but absolutely despise everyone else in congress. I can’t recall congressional approval ratings not being pure fire garbage.

Oh yeah besides brown foreigners some finding was going to art related programs like Kennedy Center.

Say no to arts but yes to big business handouts.

The problem is the federal government will ultimately have to do some sort of massive bail out for them but why pay $1 today when we can pay $20 tomorrow.

Hard to take fiscal conservatives seriously when they have never once taken a single action with foresight that would have saved money.


it’s possible that he is legit trying to make the world a better place (while also improving his image) and at the same time actually making it worse, or at least not doing nearly as good of a job as he could be if his personal legacy wasn’t a concern.


As I mentioned above that hasn’t not been the case for lifetimes. The cognitive dissonance is so many people say congress suck but then go out of their way to defend actions of their party. (Not really talking about people here no matter watevs and Victor say :heart_eyes:)