Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Congress to constituents: FUCK YOU if you were unemployed during August to December 2020

Before or after? We’ll help you out. But not during that pre-election time period when we did nothing because of politics.

Overall what would you guys say were nancies biggest failures with the stimulus? Trying to get an overall picture of her failures from the beginning

I’m sure he is to a certain extent.

For example “Is Bill Gates trying to eradicate malaria?” Yes, in a way he is. And that is a worthy goal.

BG isn’t eradicating malaria though. Doctors, scientists, workers, and community members are. We just live in a world where oligarchs decide if we tackle public health crisis rather than build more luxury yachts. ETA: philanthropy is PR that the wealthy use to obfuscate that this is the reality.

The issue is that BG can only imagine and therefore advocate for a world where we attempt to eradicate malaria while we simultaneously expend resources to prop up a system that allows him to gain more wealth(while he’s totally trying to give it away lol) than the poorest two billion people in the world.


Yes Biden helped Democrats dig deep to find the resolve … to ask for less.

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If Democrats were to pull off this stunt of getting 2000 dollars for COVID I’d actually think they were actually good and cool, which means it’s never going to happen.


Dude they say this shit after passing a super shitty bill. It’s the most worthless attempt of all time.

The Democrats did something here?

Trump vetoing the Covid bill would be so delicious. Going to have to change to MAGA flair.


Fine, it’s a lie with respect to NY and a few other well funded blue states where it is codified in law that you can’t raid the pension fund for other purposes.

So I’m making enough now to not qualify for PUA but still well down from normal.

Maybe I’ll try PPP in 2021 !!

It would be Trump’s first good act if he gets 2K for everyone from a veto or veto threat

But in the end, he will sign this bill and it was all talk. It gives Dems a few points so it’s a FU to Mitch and GOP for not going along with his coup, but it’s not gonna do or mean much in the end.

It is a pretty good illustration of lol democrats. Instead of running with “we want to give you (pick a number), the GOP doesn’t,” they went with “were good at compromising with the very same people we claim are a threat to democracy.” Well played, stupid or in on it, every time.


Every time I see “PUA,” my brain immediately goes to:



Aren‘t microloans very effective at moving people out of poverty?

If it doesn’t make sense, maybe the statement was ironic?

Ex Mrs Bezos putting Mr Bezos to shame.

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Just a wild scene out there

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If I get my hands on $2k I’m adding a motor and conveyor belt to the guillotine.


Politics right now is this totally fucked up dynamic where the people with power and the people with money are treating it like a college football game, desperate to own the opposing fan base, while like 50% of the country is legitimately desperate for money to survive.

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People desperate to survive might forward their goals better if they acted like they were desperate to own people with money.

Framing this as “Trump is agreeing to hand out free money” is the dumbest possible way to message this situtation. The message Dems should be putting out is that they fought for your $2k and Republicans have been trying to block it. OFC The Squad gets this but the 80-year-old ghouls in charge of the party are going to make sure Trump gets as much credit as possible as he’s waddling out the door.